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Dean's POV:

"Thanks for letting me use your locker room. I owe you. I don't know what's gotten into Joe but he threw me, literally, out of our locker room. Well, I lied. I take that back. Reverse. I do know what's wrong but in a way, it doesn't make any sense. He cheated on Galina so, he has no room to talk. I mean yes, it was wrong to kiss Gal back in the day but, it was such a long time ago. It was still wrong, I don't know. I apologized to him. I think the only thing to solve this is to apologize to her as well. Then, I have to tell Nicole because I want the start of our relationship to be based on honesty and to trust one another. No secrets, no lies, no problem. Does that make sense?" I asked as I finished taping up my wrists.

"Makes perfect sense, man. What good is a relationship if it isn't trustworthy? Not only romantic relationships but friendships as well. You should be glad that Joe found out when he did. I'd hate to see the death of Ambreigns." Neville's accent echoed in the semi empty locker room of his. He packs light and since he didn't have any pictures up, it was kind of weird and didn't feel comfortable at all. It reminded me of my apartment in Vegas that I hardly use.

"Ambreigns? Please tell me you're not one of those Tumblr dweebs," I raised my eyebrows.

He smiled, "For a man that doesn't know how to use social media, you sure do know some things about it."

"I dabble," I shrugged. "And by that I mean Renee tells me about stuff like that. Like Tumblr, Instagram, Tweeter-"


"What?" I questioned.

"It's pronounced Twitter."

"Yeah. That. Anyways, Nikki is really into that so I'm guessing I'll be all over hers pretty soon." I started throwing punches into the air aggressively then stretched rolling my neck around.

"Of course. Women love social media."

I laughed, "That they do sir."

Neville started to say something else but was interrupted by the sound of my ringtone, which was also my theme. I turned around and picked up the confusing thing. I stared at it then looked up at him, "Remind me how to answer this."

He chuckled, "Left swipe."

"Ohhhhh," I swiped it to the left then put the phone to my ear, "Hello?" I mouthed thank you to Neville and he nodded.

"Hi, are you busy? Are you about to have a match? Oh god, I didn't even consider that maybe you were about to have a match. I'm so sorry. I can call back and-"

"Galina," I said her name to shut her up. "You're fine. My match isn't for another twenty minutes. What do you need? What's up?" It felt weird talking to her without Joe somewhere in the room. Usually if I talked to her, it was about surprising Joe with a birthday gift, anniversary gift, or if he wasn't answering his phone. This time was different. She wasn't with Joe anymore so, it made me question why she needed to call me.

"I don't know why I'm calling you I just...I can't talk to Joe. He's really angry. I told him about the kiss and now everything's a mess."

"Yeah but I mean, he's got Brie to get him through it. Everything's just working how it's meant to for the most part. Are you okay? You sound like you've been crying."

"I'm going to be. Okay, I mean, I'm going to be okay. Um, it's nice that Joe has her to help him through these crazy times. And from what I hear, Bryan and Charlotte have each other. It's nice for someone to always be there for somebody else."

"Absolutely," I nodded. "Are you sure you're gonna be okay? You sound...distant."

"No," She sighed. "This is embarrassing I uh, I don't know how to tell you this. Jon, ever since we kissed I...things have changed. I've never really kissed anyone like I kissed you and I felt electricity between us. Which is wrong because you're my ex fiancé's best friend. But I always felt it, even before we kissed. While Joe was away, I'd stay up all night just thinking about you. I'd watch every interview, every match, every promo, anything that has to do with you. Even your old stuff when you were Jon Moxley, those are my favorites. Anyways, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I've fallen out of love with Joe. But I've fallen in love with you."

"Galina, I..." I glanced at Neville who probably noticed how uncomfortable Id just became. "I don't know what to say."

"It's stupid. I know. I'm sorry."

"If that's how you truly feel, it isn't stupid. Gal, Joe is my best friend. I think maybe, if you're gonna be in love with someone, it shouldn't be me of all people. I see you and I think of him. I think of JoJo, who's practically my niece. I think of how confusing that would be for her. Plus, I'm already in love and it isn't with you. I don't wanna hurt your feelings or nothing but-"

"Jon, it's fine. It was stupid to call. I gotta go....oh and Jon?"


"Take care of yourself," She said quietly.

That's when the door opened and Joe entered. I quickly cleared my throat, "You do the same. I have to go." I hung up the phone and stood up straight coming face to face with him. I tried not to let any fear in my eyes show as I faced the man that threw me out of my locker room earlier. I tilted my head as he stared at me carefully.

After awhile, Neville cleared his throat, "Are you guys going to kiss or?"

I broke the staring contest and we both started laughing. Joe punched my arm, "I'm sorry about earlier. I just got really jealous and protective and I was hurt and-"

"Don't worry about it, okay? It's all water under the bridge now buddy."

"Brothers still?" He asked then stepped back holding his fist out.

I smirked connecting mine to his, "You already know..." Then I looked over at Neville, "Gravity might've forgotten you but we haven't. Get over here and put your fist in."

"Seriously?" He glanced between us.

I laughed, "Yes. I like you. Now, get your ass over here."
Next chapter is the final chapter.

Ambreigns have made up, yay!

Also, I love me some Adrian Neville.

He's a random addition to this, I don't think I'm gonna have any drama with him.

Every good story needs a supporting cast, who better than him?

Idk this might change.

I felt like updating this since the ending is near.

No dedication this time but my final chapter will probably have one.

It's been really fun writing this.

The final chapter will be full of twists and turns, don't worry.

I know this chapter was dull but it has to be in order for the next chapter to be good.

Anyways, I'm glad I never got bored with this story because usually that happens.

Thanks for reading and I will see you on the final chapter! (:

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