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That's how my world started spinning. Not literally but figuratively spinning round and around in circles. Somehow I'd manage to lose control of common sense because that night Brie Bella and I slept together. We had sex...then had more sex...then had more sex. And-well I think you get the point. It's like we got drunk all over again but this time in lust. It was an indescribable high that I never want to come out of. God. It was so wrong. It's so wrong to feel this passionate about another man's wife especially if someone was sleeping with my woman, I'd kill them. I know, I know. I'm a huge hypocrite. What was I suppose to do? I was drunk and I'm only a man.

That's no excuse. I should have better control of my urges. And drinking, definitely my drinking. That's what I get for trying to out drink Ambrose. Anyways, that night didn't just end there. In fact, it lead to an affair between her and I which was easy since my storyline practically revolved around her. Only, it revolved around her husband as well. It's like Bryan's injured and Bray is trying to recruit Brie into their little cult to get to him. Only Brie refuses to be in their cult so in turn, they start stalking Brie. Since her husband is injured, that leaves it to one man to protect her. Superman but you can call me Roman Reigns. This whole storyline was really up to our interpretation, you know? We don't even have scripts which is weird. They're leaving it up to us what we're doing.

Basically, it's real life played out on TV. Except that Brie and I don't sleep together on TV. "Hey Roman?" I froze after I put my glove on. I was sitting in my locker room preparing for tonight's tag team match. It was Bryan and I up against Big Show and Kane. I swear they act like they're punishing us by putting us against those two. I've fought both of them enough to last me a lifetime to be honest. I stared straight ahead, "Yeah?" Bryan came up behind me, "Do you think Brie is acting kinda strange?" Yes. She's banging me. It's a good strange. I stood up and finally faced him, "No. Why?" "I don't know man, it's just. She's been kind of weird. Usually before bed, she likes to FaceTime with Josie, our dog, since she's staying with Brie's mom while we're on the road but lately, she goes straight to sleep. It's weird. It's like she's extra tired lately." Because she's sleeping with me and we get wild.

"I don't know Bry, talk to her about it. I'm sure it's nothing." That sounded convincing didn't it? "Yeah, yeah you're probably right. Speaking of my wife, have you seen her?" I listened to the shower running behind me and shook my head, "Nope but I'm sure she's around here somewhere." Like right in the shower. I quickly added, "Not like in the shower or anything. I mean because that's Ambrose in there. I mean.." Shit. Stop talking. Just stop talking. Quit while you're ahead. "I know Ro, Brie is probably in catering. It's Mexican today, she loves Mexican." Bryan laughed, "My wife. Gotta love her." He has no idea.

Bryan and I talked some more then finally said it had to go prepare for his match and find his wife since she's coming down the ring with us. As soon as he closed the door, I sighed. I didn't even realize I was holding my breath until I released it. Jesus Christ. I can't do this for so long. What am I gonna do? "I thought he'd never leave." I turned around and Brie walked out from the back in nothing but a towel. "Yeah well, he's your husband. He's wondering around looking for you." "Of course he is. You know, if I'm not right there by his side, he freaks out. Like I'm not my own person. Ugh. It's never really bothered me before but now that I think about it, it kinda annoys me."

I grabbed her ring gear from her hands and pulled her into my lap, "Sucks we have to hide this." It really doesn't. I'm good with hiding this forever. The last thing I need is to be the guy that broke Brie and Bryan up or JoJo looking at me as daddy who cheated on mommy. Oh god...I'm cheating my family. I'm cheating them. I frowned. This is difficult. I need to end this before someone gets hurt worse. "It does but it's only temporary. Once I leave Bryan and you leave Galina, everything will be fine. I promise." "Leave him? No. Don't you leave him." I stood up quickly. She looked at me, "Isn't that what you want?" "No. Did I say I want you to leave him? I don't think I did. You have to stay with him. You have to."

"But don't you wanna be with me?" She whispered. "What kind of question is that? Of course I do but we can't. You and I both know that." I think I hurt her feelings because she turned away from me. Shit. Way to go Roman, just keep digging yourself in deeper. I sighed, "Brie, don't-" "It's fine. I should get dressed." She took her ring gear from my hands and I grabbed her wrist gently, "Brianna, please." I stood up and wrapped my arms around her waist into a hug. I held her for awhile until I jumped when the locker room door opened. "Oh just friends my ass. I knew it." "Don't you knock, Dean?" I asked. He smirked, "Sometimes." I glared and he held his hands up, "Dude we share a locker room. How was I suppose to know about-why hello there. She's naked? Oh shit. Don't let me interrupt."

"Get out. Now." "Aw come on dude just-" "GO!" He nodded, "I just came to say that rumor has it that Galina and Jojo are on their way to surprise you tonight. In fact," Dean looked outside of the door then back inside, "She's like down the hall headed this way."

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