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Dean's POV:

"Were you eavesdropping in on my private conversation, Jon?"

I smiled, "Well, how private can a conversation be in a hotel hallway, Bryan?"

"What'd you hear?" Bryan narrowed his eyes.

"I hear a lot. See a lot. Do a lot. I never sleep which is why I'm wondering the halls alone. But Mr. Danielson, I would have never thought that YOU would cheat on Brie. Especially with Charlotte."

"It's complicated."

"OHHHH ITS COMPLICATED. My bad bro. Let me hop off because you see, it's complicated," I put my hands up stepping back.

Bryan rolled his eyes and started to walk passed me but I grabbed his arm pushing him back. He tilted his head, "What do you want, Jon?"

"World peace, Rollins' head on a stick, Nikki Bella in little to no clothing, beer, and..." I scratched my head then snapped my fingers finishing, "I could really go for some chili cheese fries. You gonna get me some D-Bry?"

"Absolutely, I'm getting you all those things. You caught me."

"No Bryan," I said. "You caught me. You caught me by surprise in this hallway. Charlotte? Really? Charlotte Flair? Well can I just say one thing?"

"And what's that?"

"WOOOOOOOOOO!" I made him jump by mocking Charlotte's father, Ric. Bryan looked at me like I was stupid while shushing me, "Oh my god Dean, it's fucking late."

I chuckled , "I know but I don't sleep so. Hey, which one is Nikki's room?"

"You can't be serious. Nikki Bella? She's got John and honestly, why would she fuck that up? Especially for this loud, crazy, obnoxious...well, jackass. Look, this character you play on TV the lunatic who doesn't give a shit about rules, is fun to watch on tv and stuff. He is but, the scary part of it all is that you're just not playing a character. That turns people off, Jon. Especially Nikki."

"Well Bryan, you would know about turning off someone. Turning someone off someone to a point where they have to you know, run to someone else for comfort. BUT OHHHHH WAIT. You were cheating on Brie longer than she was cheating on you. So who's really fucking screwed up here."

"She is cheating on me with Joe?"


I paused. That sounded a lot gayer than I thought it would. Jesus Christ. I quickly added, "Wait, no."

"I always had a funny feeling about you Shield boys. Now, I know why." Bryan said.

"What? None of us are gay, Bryan. Jesus Christ. You know what I meant. Look, it's none of my business about your marriage and everyone cheating on everyone. I'm not cheating on anyone so I'm not in it BUT, I know somebody better be speaking some damn truths up in this bitch before shit hits the fan."

Bryan tilted his head at me and I sighed, "Sorry. I spend way too much time with the Usos. Point is, just be honest. Now, I have to find Nikki's room."

I started walking away but Bryan's voice stopped me, "You think you're not involved any of this? You're just as in deep as everybody else. You're right, you're not cheating on anyone. Good for you, Ambrose. But you see, I do recall seeing a certain superstar making out with Galina around this time last year. Jog my memory a little."

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