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Reigns POV:

I use to never let anyone or anything get to me. I never let my guard down not even outside of the ring. The only time my guard would come close to coming down was around my daughter, Jojo. Other then that, the Roman Reigns you see on tv is the Roman you encounter on a daily basis. No emotion. No facial expressions of any kind. Not even a smile. No confusion. I meant business and only that. That tends to scare a lot of people and it should. I ain't nothing to be messed with. I'm the real deal. Superman has no time for silly, playtime games.

This all changed when my attention, my focus, shifted. I won't say her name just yet, but she's the reason. I couldn't/can't stop thinking about her and it'd gotten so bad that I even see her when I'm making love to my fiancé Galina. I know, I know. That's awful. What am I suppose to do? I can't just break it off with Galina especially since she's Jojo's mother. Especially since this woman I'm drawn to is married herself. She's everywhere. I work with her. I see her as soon as I enter the arena and when she wrestles, I'm in trouble. I'm in big trouble anyway. God I'm in so much trouble.

Why. Why must these feelings just come on all of a sudden? Before, I paid no attention to her but ever since her in ring return, I paid to much attention. 24/7 of just simply watching her can be pretty exhausting but well worth it. I shouldn't allow myself to let my mind wonder off into this direction. Her direction will lead me into a pile of hot shit. This is great. Just perfect. I'm not going to be able to focus on any of my matches and I'm suppose to be main eventing sometime soon. I can't afford any distractions. This couldn't have come at a more inconvenient time for my career.

If I am Superman like everyone says I am, then she's definitely my Kryptonite.


I should really stop with these all these fanfictions. It's exhausting updating constantly. But since I have fanfictions about both Seth and Dean, I got this idea for a Roman one as well. I'll update when I can on this if this gets really popular. If not, I'll probably trash it.

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