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After the goon squad was satisfied in jumping me, they had left me for dead outside of the ring. I was in so much pain that I could hardly blink without it hurting but I fought it and sat up. I watched the medics rush inside the ring toward Daniel since he was in worse shape than I was. Some of them came toward me but I waved them off and pointed to the ring, "Check on him. I'm fine. I'm tough, he isn't." That may have sounded arrogant but I'm just stating facts. I crawled to my feet then held up my fist in the air and the crowd started cheering loudly. I have to find Brie. I limped up to the ring and grimaced at how much pain I was in. Now if I were a creepy, cult leader like Bray Wyatt? Where would I be?

The boiler room. That's where all the creepers in WWE hung out. I know this because Dean loves the boiler room for some reason. "You see where he took her?" I asked a camera guy and he shook his head when I walked backstage. I kept walking toward the direction of the boiler room and asked randoms where Bray took Brie but no one seemed to know. Or was just too scared to tell me. "Are you really going to the boiler room alone?" I stopped and turned around, "Well I guess I'm not now." Dean smiled at me and I shook my head, "Stop it. Help me find Brie before Bryan gets released from the trainer's office."

Ambrose followed my command which was a relief. I could tell that he wanted to ask more about my affair with Brie but I can't right now. Wrong timing. Of course he started in on me anyway. "You know, I really thought if one of us ever got the opportunity with a Bella twin that Nikki would've been the more vulnerable one. Since Cena won't marry her or give her kids or anything, I was so sure that the Bella that would cheat on her significant other would be Nicole." "Brie!? Brie, you down here!?" I shouted looking around the boiler room, ignoring Dean. Dean continued, "I guess my question is, why Brie?" I sighed, "What? I don't know. I just, Brie's more my type I guess."

"That's why you're ruining my sister's marriage?" I jumped at the sound of Nicole's voice. She stepped up to me from the darker part of the boiler room with her arms folded. The female voice. I should've known. "Nicole?" "Joe." "What is this?" I pointed around everywhere then continued, "You're behind this? You're working with the Wyatts?" "Yes and no. I needed their assistance." "Where's Brie?" "She's back there," She said pointing behind her and I started to step pass her but she stopped me with a hand on my chest. "What the hell is this?" I asked again. "You're ruining my sister's marriage. You and Brie are having a little too much fun together. This needs to end. Bryan is a good guy and he's in love with her."

"That's between Brie and I." "My sister stayed with me last night." "So?" "Let me finish. She stayed with me last night and she had fallen asleep on the couch. Do you know what she said to me when I woke her up to take her to bed?" I didn't say anything. Nikki stepped closer to me, "She said your name. She said Roman, do you have any idea how easily I could've been Bryan? This needs to end and I'm sure your wife-" "Fiancé." Nikki rolled her eyes, "Fiancé, won't mind it ending either." I shook my head, "I can't just end it. I love Brie." "You love her!? Oh my god, are you kidding? You've been sleeping with her for how long and you love her all of a sudden?" "It's not all of a sudden! Look, where's Brie? It's hot down here." "That's only because I'm down here," Dean said from behind me. Both Nicole and I said, "Shut up, Dean!"

I finally got pass Nikki deeper inside the boiler room and immediately found her. Brie was out cold sitting in a chair and her wrists were tied up together. I quickly ran to her and untied the ropes as I growled, "Some sister you are, you tie her up like an animal!?" Nikki and Dean had followed me. Nikki replied, "That wasn't my idea. It was Bray's." I finally got her unhooked then took the silver tape off of her mouth, "This Bray's idea too?" "He's theatrical." I picked her up in my arms and started walking toward the exit. "I'm serious Reigns, this needs to end. It'll only get worse from here on. You only can stop it."

I stopped when Brie started groaning and I watched her eyes flutter open slowly. I smiled a little, "You don't know how glad I am to see those beautiful brown eyes." She blinked a couple times then looked up at me confused, "What happen?" "It's a long story. I'm sure Nikki will fill you in." I glanced at the evil Bella then back toward Brie, "The point is. You're safe now and as long as I'm around, you'll always be." "Put me down." My smile went away, "What?" "Put me down," She repeated. I hesitated then set her down watching her. She scratched her head glancing between us three and asked, "Where's Bryan?" "The trainers office," Dean answered.

Brie nodded, "I need to go to the trainers office to make sure my husband is okay." She walked out and I quickly followed her, "Brie?" She shut me down quickly, "I have to go..." She stopped then turned around to me slowly, "I have a question." "Anything, beautiful." "Which way is the trainers office again?"

I pointed to the right and she nodded, "Thank you, Joe."

That's when she left to go check on her husband.

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