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"Brie? Brie! Slow down there. Seriously, I'm to drunk to be moving at this pace. Brie!" She stopped walking once we reached a block away from the liquor store. I finally caught up and stepped in front of her reaching for the booze, "I'll be taking th-" "Don't you think you've had enough alcohol for the night?" "No," I laughed, "That's kind of why I bought more." She glared at my laughter so I straightened up adding, "Why do you care?" "Because Roman something's been up with you lately and whatever it is, isn't going to be solved by drinking." "I'm willing to test that theory." I grabbed a beer and she shook her head, "And I'm willing to prove that theory to be wrong. Follow me and I'll prove it." "Brie, I just want my alcohol that's." I was interrupted by her just simply walking away. I sighed and followed stumbling forward.

I got excited but also nervous when I realized that she was going back to her hotel room. She handed me the booze and I started going through her purse for what I assume is her hotel room key. I looked around to see if anyone was in the hall, "Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean this doesn't look good on our part." "Joe," She sighed, "We're friends and you're drunk. I'd let you go back to your room but I feel if I do that, you're going to go through this entire case of beer and be to tired to train tomorrow. Or worse, you might harm yourself. I'm going to take care of you because Dean isn't going to. Hell, he's probably drunk himself. Besides, you act like something is gonna happen here." That's the problem. I kinda wish it would.

"Are you telling me I can't take care of myself? I'm a 29 year old grown man." "Wow. I'm older than you." "Only by two years," I shrugged. She opened the door then grabbed my arm shoving me, as best she could, inside. She closed the door and ordered me to set the booze down on the coffee table in the living room. "But I wanna drink it," I said in defense. She folded her arms and glared at me for ten minutes straight until I sighed setting it down. I put my hands up, "Please don't kill me." "Lie on the couch. I'm getting a blanket for you." "You're suppose to be proving to me why my theory of drinking my problems away is wrong."

She stared at me for a few seconds then grabbed one of my beers. I frowned, "You don't have to-damn.." Brie had drank the entire thing in one gulp and set the beer down. She'd down the second one and I couldn't think of anything more sexier than a woman who can down beers like she was one of the guys. God dammit. This is Bryan's wife. Stop it. "I was seriously kidding. Brie? Brie! Hey! Take it easy." She started laughing and shook her head, "Have you ever watched Total Divas?" "Not if I can help it." "Hey!" She smacked my shoulder and I laughed shrugging, "It's more of a uh..a woman's type show, you know?" Brie rolled her eyes, "So, you've never seen Brie Mode have you?" "Nah, but I kinda don't believe the hype I mean there's just no way that you, saint Brie, can get wild and black out drunk. There's just no way."

"Saint Brie? Saint Brie? Are you kidding? I'm more of a partier than Nicole." "If you say so." I turned around and walked over to the couch she ordered me to lie on earlier. She followed and we both sat down as she drank another one as she spoke, "Before I got tied down, I was a beast in the club. You should've seen it Ro, I was pretty freaking awesome." "I have no doubt. How's Bryan?" I really didn't care how he was but I felt that it was necessary to ask that considering it was just us in her hotel room. "He's gonna be fine. They're keeping him overnight for observation and I would've stayed there with him but he insisted I go home to get some rest. You know how he is." Yeah, he treats you like your queen of the world. Not a flaw in there marriage at all.

Brie and Bryan are just so...perfect. They're always together, always smiling, always so happy in love with one another. Couples like that tend to get along more and more and considering they've been through it all almost, they've only grown closer. Which only made things harder for me watching them and it really shouldn't because I have my own fiancé to grow close to. There was just something about Brie though....this is bad, really bad. I nodded and she smiled, "You know what?" "There's three of you." "What?" I pointed to the three Brie's I saw in front of me and counted, "One. Two. Three. There's three of you." She laughed, "You're too drunk to function, Ro. It's almost cute." "I'm not druuuunk.." I pretended to whine.

She rolled her eyes, reached toward the coffee table, and grabbed some Xbox 3 controllers. She handed me one and I smiled not saying anything. The rest of the night we just talked for hours as we drank and played video games like long lost best friends. Soon enough, Brie didn't realize it, but she was just as drunk as I was. She laughed at almost anything I said but she also laughed at how terrible I was at WWE 2k15. She claimed she went easy on me but apparently I still sucked. What she didn't know is that I was losing on purpose just because I'm a gentleman.

At some point she started to fall asleep on my shoulder so, I picked her up in my arms and carried her to her bedroom. "Roman Reigns!" She exclaimed the covered her mouth in shock at how loud she was. I started laughing, "God you're so perfect." "No, no. I am not sir but you?" She ran her fingers through my long black locks then slowly looked in my eyes, "You are...Bray was right. You're like superman...hey superman?" I stopped once I entered her room and kept her gaze, "Hm?" "Kiss me." "Brie I-"

Brie didn't wait for me to finish what I had to say and she kissed me hard biting my lip.

Yep...I'm in trouble big time now.

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