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Reigns POV:

I don't really care about Daniel Bryan. I really don't so, when Bray attacked him, I didn't budge. Tough luck. It's part of the business we're in but when the lights went out a second time, I froze. When Bray reappeared behind Brie though, I took off out of my locker room and raced toward the top of the entrance ramp. I didn't have time to react. I couldn't. I'll be damned if Bray was going to attack Brie. I'll probably get in trouble for going off script and entering a storyline I'm not even apart of but at this point I don't care. I had to protect her. I had too. If I didn't do something, I'd hate myself for it. I ran to the gorilla then all the way down the ramp. Brie looked at me confused and that was just enough time for Bray to hold her as a shield.

Bray smiled at me as Brie struggled in his arms. God dammit. I glanced at Daniel who was still out cold then watched her struggle. I started counting to myself as my mind began to race along with my heart. Bray started to laugh, Brie looked helpless, Goat boy was out of it, and I probably looked really. Bray shoved Brie towards me and I quickly caught her before she hit the ground but not quick enough to catch Bray before he left the ring. I grabbed the microphone Daniel had earlier staring at Bray, "Where you going, Bray? You wanna fight? I'm here. Bring it on." "I'm not gonna fight you Roman Reigns," He sang into a microphone still walking up to the ramp. He didn't even turn around and I smiled, "You can't even face me, you little bitch?"

That made Bray stop dead in his tracks and he slowly turned around as I stood in the ring, "What'd you just call me?" "I called you a little bitch." He started chuckling, "Roman, I finally understand brother. I get it. You know all my life my favorite superhero was superman. Yeah, superman, so I asked my daddy one night as we were watching cartoons. I said daddy, what's superman's weakness? He would look at me and he'd go son, I don't believe superman has any weakness. I thought to myself well that can't be right. Every man, especially superman, has a weakness. Roman Reigns, they call you superman correct? Samoan superman."

I nodded then he smiled widely, "Roman Reigns, you have a weakness. I always thought maybe your weakness was your former brothers Dean and Seth but no, no. I even thought that maybe it was your beautiful fiancé sitting at home watching but no, no. That's not it, is it Roman? Nooooooo. And you know, I even thought way deep in the cobwebs of my soul, that it was that precious sweet angel of yours. What's your name, Roman? Ah yes. Your daughter of course, Jojo." I started to get out of the ring but the lights flickered and now Erick and Luke stood at the edge of the ramp guarding Bray, who was at the top. I glared between them and held my fist closed shut, prepared to punch both of them in the face. "Would you like to know your weakness, Roman?"

No. I wanna kill you, Bray. "Your weakness is in that ring cradling her husband away." Oh hell no. I glanced at Brie, who's attention was now on us but her arms were still wrapped around Daniel. I shook my head and closed my eyes listening to Bray's laughter. This was a trap and I fell right into it. Now everyone knows I feel something for Brie. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Bray started mocking the goat in the ring as paramedics raced down past Erick and Luke to help Daniel. "Oh dear Romaaaannn," Bray sang and I opened my eyes again. Bray's tone got real deep, low, and serious when he said, "Seems like I found your kryptonite, superman and her name is Brie Bella."

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