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Brie's POV:

It was harsh and unnecessary but it needed to be done. I felt suffocated in this affair with Roman but Bryan didn't deserve to be cheated on. Bryan is the sweetest, most thoughtful husband a girl can even dream of. Who am I to ruin that? I should be focusing on taking care of him and him only. Even Roman Reigns will eventually have to understand that, I'm sure. Won't he? I don't know. Every time I thought about any of it, I get a migraine. Why stress it?

Anyways, I won't stress it. That was weeks ago and tonight was much more important. Tonight is Wrestlemania. Bryan was scheduled to be in a ladder match for the IC title and even though it wasn't too gold, it was still gold. Gold is always nice of course. I was teaming up with Nikki versus AJ and Paige but I honestly wasn't up for it. I've been sick all day.

"I'm sure it's just pre-Wrestlemania jitters babe. This is the biggest event in WWE history. Hundreds of thousands of fans surrounding one ring and this is the time where you give it 150% of your efforts. You'll be fine. You and Nikki will do extraordinary as usual," Bryan glanced at me as he drove to the arena.

"I know but still. The nerves. One false move and I can be scarred for life," I replied.

Bryan smiled, "You act as if this is your first Wrestlemania. You know the routine, Brie. You'll do fine. You and Nikki will win with Bella dominance."

"I've just been nauseous all day. My head's spinning. My heart's racing. I feel like complete...for lack of a better word, shit. Complete shit."

Bryan reached over and laced our fingers together. It was awful but, it reminded me of when Roman use to do it. That was his thing. We would lie in bed and he would stare at me with those blue eyes, that are of course contacts, lacing our fingers together. He'd whisper the sweetest things to me until he'd fall asleep. I'd watch him sleep if I couldn't and would wish that it would never end.

I have to admit, I miss him a lot more than I should.

"Do you think Joe can beat Brock? I'm hesitant. I'm really not sure myself but, I hope he does."

The infamous question. Can Roman Reigns conquer The Beast? Can he do what Undertaker failed to? The whole world's been buzzing about this answer for awhile.

"He can. He will. Believe that," I replied putting on my best Roman Reigns voice.

It failed but made Bryan laugh, as we pulled into the parking lot. "I hope you're right," Bryan smiled.

My match with Nikki was the third one of the night so, that only left me little time to prepare. I kissed Bryan for good luck then ran off to find Nikki near the gorilla.

She greeted me with a smile, "Hello CinderBella, you ready to take down these bitches?"

I nodded and Nikki grabbed her belt then held out her arm, "Let's do this."

Nikki, AJ, Paige, and I put on a hell of a performance. I couldn't have been more proud of all of us showing that Divas division are a force to be wrecking with. Nikki and I ended up winning however, thanks to me distracting the ref by pulling AJ off and onto the outside when Paige tried to tag her in. The referee was so busy yelling at me for doing so that behind him, Nikki used her championship to hit Paige across the face with it. I pointed behind him and he finally turned around, giving the three count.

Here's your winners, the team of Nikki and Brie, the Bella Twins!

I smiled and slid into the ring as the referee raised her hand in the air. He grabbed mine and did the same then pointed at both of us. He left us after a minute or two to check on Paige, who was bleeding out of the side of her mouth.

As Nikki and I were celebrating, my stomach had other plans. Those plans were to embarrass me right here on the grandest stage of them all. It started churning kinda weirdly and I grabbed it, frowning. Nikki didn't notice and climbed the rope still celebrating by raising her championship in the air.

That's when it happened. Right there, in the middle of the ring, I quickly covered my mouth but it was too late. I started throwing up uncontrollably and it had to be one of the most embarrassing moments in my entire life.

I'm definitely getting a Slammy for this one. Hell, I'll be in the history books.

Nikki broke character and quickly ran over to me, holding my hair out of the way. She rubbed my back and shouted for some help from the medical staff backstage.

They showed up quickly and kept asking if I were okay once I stopped. I couldn't speak, I just nodded.

I heard Bryan's voice, "Brianna, they're going to take you in the back and make sure you're okay, alright?"

Again, I just nodded. Between Bryan and Nikki, they helped me to my feet. Nikki snatched the towel from one of them and started wiping my mouth as they helped me exit the ring. It's a good thing they were there, I felt really weak in that moment.

They walked me all the way up the ramp and backstage. Everyone from the backstage crew to the divas and superstars kept asking if I was okay. I must've nodded a hundred times.

Bryan and Nikki made sure I made it to the trainers office when Bryan said, "The ladder match is up next. Nikki, can you stay with her until it's over?"

Nikki nodded, "Absolutely. I'll be here."

Bryan kissed my forehead, since kissing my lips would've been awful with the taste in my mouth, and whispered, "I'll be back before you even realize I'm gone. I love you, Brianna."

I finally spoke, "I love you too. Bring home that championship for me, okay?"

Bryan smiled, "You already know it, ma'am. Love you."

With that, he left.

"Well that was unpleasant," Nikki sighed sitting next to me.

I looked at her weirdly, "As much as I have to deal with you and John, you can't handle it with Bryan and I?"

"Not that, I'm use to that. I'm talking about throwing up in the middle of the ring. At Wrestlemania, of all places."

I closed my eyes, "Don't remind me. That's gotta be the most embarrassing thing in the world. Ugh, and it ruined our win. Gosh, I'm so sorry Nicole."

"Don't worry about it. It's not like you intentionally sabotaged our victory. Either way, we still won."

"I just don't know what's up with me today. I've been throwing up all day and like I told Bryan, I feel like shit. I don't know. Maybe it's Wrestlemania excitement."

"Maybe you're pregnant."
I decided to make this Wrestlemania related because I'm so excited for this weekend! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Anyways, leave comments and votes!

Love you guys! ❤️

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