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Roman's POV:

"Nikki, this isn't what it looks like. He's just-"

"WAIT," I interrupted and both girls looked at me. "What does it look like? Because if it looks like me explaining to Brie that she should be with me instead of Bryan then boyyyyy, Nikki you're good."

Nikki rolled her eyes as Brie stepped around me. Brie took my hand and dragged me out of the elevator before it closed. I helped her out since she was so tiny compared to me and didn't have the strength to pull me out of an elevator by herself.

"Well Joe, that's exactly what it looks like. What's the matter big boy, too much to drink? Can the big samoan not handle his alcohol?" Nikki asked.

I smiled and finally stood up, "I think I know why you're so involved with Brie and I. Yep, got it all up here and I must say Nikki, it's okay to be jealous of the better Bella. The prettier one. The smarter. The-"

"Okayyyyy, let's get you to bed. Which way is Ambrose's room?" Brie interrupted pushing me away from Nikki, who was glaring at me hard. Oh no, she's mad at me. Wait, I don't care.

I started laughing uncontrollably at myself. Gosh, I'm such a damn mess. I ruin everything I touch. Look at me, I'm a drunken mess. I've completely destroyed my relationship by believing that something would happen with Brie and I, when it won't. Ugh, way to go Joe.

Nikki pointed then decided to lead the way without saying a word. They each grabbed each of my arms as Nikki kinda forcefully tugged me forward. Aggressive bitch.

"It's room 115...or something," I chuckled.

Nikki rolled her eyes again, "It's actually 117 but admire how close you are."

I looked at her weirdly, "You know his room number? Why?"

"Yeah Nikki, you couldn't be cheating on John with Dean now, I'm sure. Not you. Not the perfect twin," Brie mocked.

"Children, I am not cheating on John. Ambrose, always gives me his room number because he thinks I'm secretly in love with him or something. He thinks one day I'm going to be sleepwalking and end up at his room to have sex. He's so..." Nikki thought for a second, "Arrogant." She smiled weirdly at the word. They have a weird relationship....or whatever it is.

Nikki knocked on Dean's door and he opened almost immediately. He smirked, "Bella."

"Congrats Dean," Nikki pushed me forward, "It's a boy."

"Awww, he's so cute. A little messy but nothing a good shower can't fix. Nicole, when he's 18 we have to tell him he's adopted though."

"I'm sure by 12, he'll figure it out. But for now, he's 5."

I glanced between them, "The sexual tension between you two is killer." Then I looked at Brie, "Hey baby girl, put me to bed."

Dean laughed, Nikki rolled her eyes again, and Brie blushed.

Brie cleared her throat, "Joseph, this ends."

I frowned, "What?"

"We can no longer see each other behind our spouses backs. It's wrong and will lead us down a dangerous road. I'm sorry."


"You have a good night."

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