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Roman's POV:

"You mean to tell me you have a date at a vegan restaurant? You? Carnivore Reigns? Unbelievable."

I shook my head as I held the phone and cleared my throat, "Jonathan, it isn't a date. She's married. Happily married and while that isn't saying much due to my actions as of late, I'm happy that our little love affair was short lived. It was wrong of us to deceive our better halves and the way things are going with Galina, I should probably be working it out with her anyway."

"Does she know?"

"No. There isn't anything to tell anymore. Why would I tell my fiancé that I cheated on her briefly when I'm not doing it anymore?"

"Think about what you just asked me," Dean replied. "I don't know man. They say honesty is the best policy."

"Doesn't mean it's the only policy. Look, it's just good this way. Everything is fine."

I looked up as this baby in the restaurant started crying suddenly. It was a beautiful baby girl and she reminded me of when JoJo was a baby. JoJo wasn't much of the crying type of baby but boy once she did, she screamed like her life depended on it. Late nights of Galina and I taking turns with trying just about everything to get her to stop crying were absolutely brutal. Babies cry and cry and cry and it's honestly so stressful. I mean, being a parent in general was, but it's at its hardest when they're tiny like that.

"What in the world is that?" Dean asked.

I laughed, "There's a family in here with a precious baby girl who looks about six months old. Ugh. If Galina and I ever get on the same page, I wouldn't mind having another one, you know? I love being a dad."

"You also love being a wrestler. With your big push coming, I don't think this is the time to be thinking kids. No offense."

"No, no. None taken, I get it. My big push? I don't know if you were there but my golden opportunity was stolen by the golden boy himself. There's no big push coming for quite awhile and honestly? I'm kinda relieved. There's only so much of the "You suck" or "You can't" chants that I can take. It'd be nice to just step aside and let someone else feel the wrath of the WWE Universe."

"I understand."

"Do you? They chant your name whether you're the bad guy or good guy. Every week it's "Let's Go Ambrose!" Dude, you have them eating out of the palm of your lunatic hands."

"You know who I wish was on the Ambrose bandwagon?"

"Oh god," I sighed knowing the answer.

"Nikki. She could be like, the number one Ambrose girl in the world if she'd stop sucking on John long enough."

"I will never get use to the way you word things, you know that?" I chuckled.

"There's just something about Bella Twins.." He trailed off.

At that moment, Brie walked into the restaurant looking beautiful as always. She was in plain clothes and she still took my breath away.

God, help me.

"I get what you're saying. They reel you in with their charming personalities-"

"And stomp on your heart with their ten inch stiletto heels."

"Did we just come up with the best quote describing the Bella's or what? Hey, listen. We'll discuss our quote later. Brie is here so, I gotta go."

I hung up the phone and stood up when Brie made her way toward the table I was at. I smiled at her and she smiled back then I died a couple thousand times internally.

"Sorry I'm late," She said as soon as she was in earshot. "Traffic is awful as you can see." She pointed to the window. I didn't look, I just kept smiling at her.

"You look amazing," I said. "As usual..wait, is that appropriate to say considering we just ended things?"

She nodded and sat down smiling, "Compliments are fine, Joe. Thank you. Now sit. We need to talk."

I did as told and watched her call the waitress over. She ordered something as simple as a salad but it was like specifically made a certain way. Typical Brie. She ordered water along with it and that's weird for her. Everyone knows Bella's love wine.

I ordered the same thing since vegan just isn't my style then looked at Brie, "No wine? That's a shocker. Guess I won't see Brie mode tonight then, huh?"

She looked at me, "You won't get to see Brie mode for awhile, Joe. I'm..."

"You're what?"

"Quitting drinking. For good. Alcohol was a huge part of our affair and I think I should be the one to sober up. I went all Brie Mode on you."

"I was drunk first. I conned you into drinking and showing me Brie Mode and then we..you know."

"But," She said. "I kept initiating it every time after that and that resulted in our..."

"Our affair then our-"

"Child.." She whispered.

I looked at her weirdly then started laughing, "Very funny. Good one."


I frowned when I saw that she was serious. No wonder she threw up in the middle of the ring, she's pregnant. Oh my god. Ironically, the cute baby from earlier started crying again. I feel ya kid. I feel like crying too right about now.

I stared at the baby then slowly looked at Brie, "I uhh...I gotta go."

That's when I quickly got up and sped towards the exit ignoring Brie shouting my name behind me.

I just had to get out of there.
"And then she tells me, she's pregnant! Unbelievable! I have an affair with a married woman and she ends up pregnant! Did you hear that everyone!? Brie Bella is pregnant!" I shouted, turning around in my stool at the bar I was at.

"Wait a minute, aren't you Roman Reigns?"

I spun back around to the bartender and he kinda looked blurry but I nodded anyway, "HELL YEAH IM ROMAN REIGNS BITCH! YOU HEAR THAT!?" I spun back around again to face the rest of the bar, "SUPERMAN IN THE MOTHERFUCKIN HOUSE! SHOTS ON ME! IM BECOMING A DADDY AGAIN!"

Everyone in the bar cheered and I smiled. Oh but when I buy them shots, they're all my fans now. I smirked then drank some more when I heard a familiar voice ask, "Shots on you?"

"That's right, baby girl. Shots on the guy who should be champion!! Drink up baby, cause it's gonna be a long night!"

The voice replied, "Well I'll drink to that."

"You better...damn, you looking good. Let's go back to my room."
Roman's so wasted.

Any guesses on the mystery voice?

Obviously female and he said familiar, did he not? I'm thinking divas.

So, think divas.

Be creative people, be different. Think outside the box.

Yes, NXT divas count as Divas.

But that's not a hint on who it is.

Or is it?

Guess, guess, guess! And I'll see ya next time!

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