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Brie's POV:

"I can't believe Bray kissed you like that. Then, he kidnapped you of all things. I swear the guy needs to be locked away somewhere. Don't you worry, I'll take care of him. Brianna? Are you even listening to me?"

I snapped out of the daze I was in and looked at my rambling husband, "Of course I am, Bryan. Look don't worry about that kiss Bray laid on me. He was just trying to get a rise out of you and besides, it's not like I kissed him back."

"I don't know. I know how you have a thing for guys with beards," Bryan teased.

And 6'3" Samoans. "Ew noooo but not Bray Wyatt. Come on, that's just gross," I shivered.

"Who's beard is better? Be honest."

"Bryan, you know my answer."

My husband smiled at me then leaned in kissing me. Just for that moment, I kinda forgot about this mess with Joe that Id gotten myself into. Bryan didn't deserve this, no one did. That's why I plan to end it. The next time Roman Reigns approaches me, I will end this affair. It's gotten way out of hand and to prevent further complications, I need to end it.

Bryan and I were in the middle of our make out session when we heard loud banging on our door that practically took it off the hinges. I sat up as Bryan said, "What the hell?"

Bryan got to his feet, strutted to the door, and opened it quickly.

"Welllllll if it isn't Daniel Bryannnn! Ooooooh!" Oh dear god. What on earth is he doing here?

"Joe? Are you okay?" Bryan asked watching Roman sway back and forth, side to side. His clothes were half on and it looked like he'd spilled something on his shirt. The perfect definition of a drunken mess and it probably had everything to do with me.

"Of course I'm okay. And you can belieeevee thaaatttt. That's what I say right? Believeeeeeee thaaaaaat."

Bryan sighed grabbing his arm, "Just sit down. You're making me dizzy." But Roman quickly pulled away.

"I'm good. Just came here to say that from one man to another, I apologize heavily for uhh, for like. Not tagging you or whatever. That was fucked up dude. Like who does that. Maaannn, you should've smacked me upside my big ass head. Especially when them boys came and took your girl like that? Nah bruh. You should've whooped my samoan ass."

It was really hard for me to hold in my laughter because of how Roman was talking. He sounded like his cousins. Bryan smiled a little, "Well I was just concerned about my wife's whereabouts more than whooping your samoan ass."

"I feel you, I feel you. We cool?" Joe held out his fist and Bryan chuckled pounding it, "I guess so."

Roman suddenly burst into his dramatic roar. Bryan and I couldn't help it anymore when we laughed.

He's such a drunk mess then put his fist in front of him, "Hold your fist out, D-Bry."


"Hold ya damn fist out, brutha." Bryan sighed and held out his fist close to Roman's.

"You too." He pointed at me. I laughed then walked over doing the same thing. Roman started hopping up and down, "It's like we are a new Shield! Oh my god!" Bryan and I just shook our heads.

I agreed to take Roman back to the hotel room after him spending hours of protesting about going back. I don't know what exactly happened but he just kept refusing to go back. Anyway, we just couldn't convince him so he agreed to go to Dean's. Which I guess is fair.

"Brieeee Modeeeee, I finally got you alone baby girl," He said as I pressed the button for the elevator to come down.

"I guess you did."

"We're pretty dangerous, you and I, when we're alone." He stepped closer to me and I stared at him.

"Look, we need to talk." I pushed him away stepping into the elevator.

Roman followed and cornered me. He immediately started kissing my neck and I cursed under my breath.

I wish he wouldn't make this so damn difficult. Focus Brie, I have to do this.

"Joe? Joe, can we just talk first?"

"Am I in trouble?"

"We've been in trouble from the start. Look, this needs to end okay? I love Bryan. He's the world's greatest husband and I let my lust for you get in the way of Bryan and I's marriage. Things can get really bad for us if we can get caught. You've heard about superstars having affairs on the road, their careers never end well. We can't do this anymore. As much as I love you, Bryan is my husband. Galina is your fiancé and Joelle is your daughter. I don't want to ruin your family anymore than I already have."

"I ruined it. JoJo is just a kid, I'll explain it but like Brie, I wanna marry you. Like just," I watched him get on his knees hugging my waist and he continued, "Marry me. Forget him and I'll just be the best husband ever to you and I don't wanna marry her, I wanna marry you. We'll figure this out. It'll all be figured out and-"

I didn't even realize we stopped and the elevator doors opened up until I heard the familiar annoying voice, "You have got to be kidding me."


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