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Roman's POV:

"Daddy, can you tell the story again?" JoJo had asked from the backseat of the truck as we headed to the aquarium. She'd been dying for months to go to the aquarium and since their visit was such a surprise, I'd felt obligated to take them after we'd finish McDonald's. I figured since we needed to talk anyways, this would be the best time to do so. The look in Galina's eyes when she called me out on who was in the shower was almost like she already knew. That it didn't surprise her one bit.

But I told her it was Jon anyway.

I smiled glancing toward the backseat and replied, "Which story?"

"The story of when you first met mommy," She grinned.

For some odd reason, JoJo loves old stories about her mother and I. I guess it wasn't odd for her but it felt weird telling stories about stuff I was apart of. It doesn't even seem like "old" stories but like it'd just happen yesterday. I've known Gal for fourteen years. As Jon puts it, that's a like a life sentence to be committed that long. I couldn't help myself. I was in love as soon as I'd met her. Try convincing your parents when you're sixteen that you've found the love of your life. It ain't easy.

"Once upon a time, in a land where there wasn't Netflix-"

"NO NETFLIX!? HOW'D YOU SURVIVE!?" She exclaimed.

Both Galina and I laughed as I shrugged, "Very dark times, sweetheart. I had to settle for good old fashion TV. The year was 2001 and I was sixteen years old, a defensive tackle, all arrogant and shit. It's sophomore year and first period, I had Spanish. So, I'm sitting in Spanish and in walks, the beautiful, breathtaking, glamorous, Galina Becker. She was wearing these really tight fitting jeans and this low cut shirt that made all the guys in the room just wanna-"

"Joseph!" Galina covered her face blushing.

I chuckled continuing, "Anyway, so this goddess walks in and I'm just like damnnnnnnn. So naturally, I had to get her to talk to me. I just had too. So, I did what all guys do when they're infatuated with a girl. I teased the absolute hell out of her. I would throw things at her, I would constantly tell her how she wasn't even all that, but secretly, I'd beat up any guy who'd even look at her twice. Eventually, after a month or so, our teacher paired us up for some Spanish project we had to do in order to get out of the next test. I invited her to my house because it was more peace and quiet. Plus, I'd just happen to have the house to myself that week. She came over and we finally made sweet, exotic, passionate-"

Gal cleared her throat and gave me a look so I quickly went in a different direction with that and said, "Cupcakes. Sweet, sweet, cupcakes."

"Yayyyy! I love the cupcakes part, daddy." JoJo smiled.

I grinned then winked at Gal, "Yeah, I do too."

She just rolled her eyes and punched my arm playfully.

The day was a nice one and it was surprisingly what I needed. A distraction. From Brie, Bryan, and even Jon and Nikki were giving me a headache. Even though this was a distraction, it isn't exactly helping my situation. Something happened in that car while reminiscing about one of many adventures I'd had with my now fiancé then crush that felt right. It felt good. It felt as if I were falling in love all over again.

Which isn't good.

Which isn't fair.

Nothing in this situation is fair. That's why this was my chance to say what I need to tell her. To tell her that I'd been cheating and the wedding that we're suppose to have in December made me hyperventilate every time I thought about it. That not only did I cheat on her but, I'd gotten that woman pregnant because stupid me got so worked up that I decided to keep going AFTER the condom broke.

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