[Coming Soon]

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Battle Scars:

I'd walked backstage with a grin and simply, a changed man.

The first thing I noticed is that everyone looked up at me in fear.

And the first thing that ran through my mind was: Good.

No one expected me to attack Paul because it wasn't in the script. I'd decided to improvise that part for myself.

Jon, Brie, and JoJo waited for me a few steps ahead. Jon bit his lip nervously, Brie looked at me in shock, but JoJo ran up to me and hugged me tightly. I ignored both my girlfriend and best friend, hugging my beautiful little angel.

"I'm sorry you didn't win, daddy. But I know you will soon. I know you will. I believe in you.." She whispered the last part and there was something about her saying those words struck me. I felt like a disappointment..

I kissed the top of JoJo's head then stood up. I picked her up in my arms and looked at Jon, "Congrats, champ." I smiled and patted the Intercontinental championship that looked good on my boy's shoulder. He earned it.

"Never mind this, are you okay? You got a little messed up out there."

I nodded then grinned, "Just a little improvisation. Nothing serious."

"Nothing serious?" Brie repeated, forcing me to look at her as she spoke. "What happens if you get fired tomorrow?"

It was a good question but I shrugged it off, "Whatever happens tomorrow, happens tomorrow. The only thing that concerns me about tomorrow is that it's a certain princess's birthday." I smiled and kissed all over JoJo's face as she giggled.

"It's not gonna be a good birthday if you get fired tomorrow.." Brie whispered.

"God dammit, Brianna! I-"

"Joe," Jon motioned toward JoJo, letting me know that this wasn't the time.

I sighed and put my fist in the center. Jon, out of simple reflex, did the same. Brie sighed and put hers in as well. I cleared my throat.

"Whatever happens tomorrow, happens. Whether I am suspended, fired, or tortured, I will handle it. Believe that and believe in family. Now, let's go home."
Coming Soon. 2016.

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