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Daniel's POV:

Bonnie 💕: I've captured drunk Reigns. Do I really have to sleep with him?

Clyde 😘: Yes, Yes, Yes! (: see what I did there? Actually no, I'll leave that to you. That's not our mission.

Bonnie 💕: What is exactly? And I'm not apart of the 'Yes' movement so, you can kill that reference.

Clyde 😘: Our mission is quite simple. Drunk reigns equals vulnerable reigns, understand? Vulnerable reigns talks a lot and I need to know if there's something going on between him and Brie. So get him talking, buy him as much shots as his Samoan heart desires, just make sure he keeps talking.

Bonnie 💞: You wanna know what I don't understand?

Clyde 😘: Not really...

Bonnie 💕: .....fuck you.

Clyde 😘 : Baby, you know I'm kidding. What don't you understand?

Bonnie 💕: Why this matters. You and I have been sleeping together behind Brie's back longer than Joe and Brie have. This is a clear sign that you two don't love each other anymore. Now, we can tell her about us and we can be together finally.

I started to reply to her so I can set her straight when I heard the front door open. I sat up as Josie took off out the room and toward the front door. I said as I followed the dog, "Hey, hey slow down. It could be a serial killer."

I made my way down the hall and as soon as I made it to the living room, I saw my wife. I immediately smiled, "Well hello there."

"Not a serial killer, just mommy. Hi Josie baby!" Brie picked her up and showered the puppy in kisses.

"What? No kisses for me? How unfair."

She laughed and set Josie down then walked over to me, drowning me in those exact same kisses.

"I missed you, sweet face." She said.

"I know. I miss my face too. It's somewhere buried underneath this beard but you know, I prefer the beard better because chicks dig the beard."

"No chick but me I hope."

I smiled, "Trust me. No one wants me but you." Except the chick texting me who I sleep with behind your back.

"I know I said I was doing a girls thing with Nikki but, I missed you way too much. Besides, there's some urgent news we need to discuss."

"What urgent news?"

"Well, on the way here, I talked to Mark about my future in the WWE and what my plans are for after Wrestlemania."

"Which is now...what about it?"

"I told him that I'm going to need two years at least off."

"Two years? That may not seem like long but Brie, it is. Two years in wrestling is like fifteen million. You and Nikki are at the top of your craft especially now that AJ's retired. You couldn't have picked worse timing. Please tell me you're not serious."

"Bryan, I just can't wrestle anymore. I have our family to consider."

"Our family?" I asked. "It's you, me, and Josie. If you're taking time off for Josie's sake then-"

"Me, You, Josie, and mini Bryan.." She whispered.

I stared at her then looked around, scratching my beard. Mini Bryan..oh god. I quickly turned around and hugged her, "Oh my god! You're pregnant!? Oh my god Brie!"

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