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Bram's POV:

I pounded on that little shit Bryan's door until my fists bled. I'm sure I'm probably waking up over half of the hotel but I don't care. Bryan Danielson is dead. "Wake you up you little bitch! Face me like a man, God dammit! Get the fuck out of your room, boy! Don't make me break this fucking door down!"

"For the love of god, Danielson, open the fucking door so he can shut up!" Someone from the room next door shouted then another chimed in, "Yeah shut the drunk bastard up!"

I started yelling back to them, "You shut the fuck up you WWE pricks! Ill fuck you up as well! Think I won't!? Come on out and I'll whip your spoon fed asses!"

That's when the door flew open and I grabbed the door holding it open, "Where's your husband? Hm? Where is the little troll?" I stormed pass Brie inside the hotel room pacing back and forth.

"Thomas," She said. "What are you doing here? And sit down, you're making me dizzy. I'm already pregnant I don't need to be more dizzy than I already am."

"You're pregnant too? Oh my god, what is with your husband and getting everyone pregnant? It's called a condom Bryan!"

"What are you talking about?"

I took a deep breath then one more and said slowly, "Your husband got my wife pregnant. I'm sorry, Brianna. I truly am and I didn't mean to disturb you in the middle of the night and now that I know that you're pregnant I really feel bad because you're suppose to be getting rest and-"

"Breathe," She looked at me then closed the door behind her. "And sit down, you're scaring me."

"I can't sit down. I'm an angry British man who came here to kill your husband. You don't even look surprised that I just told you that your husband was cheating on you. Did you know? Did everyone know but me? Oh sure lets not tell Thomas, he might lose his shit and start drinking again!"

"No, I didn't know. I had no idea Charlotte and Bryan were...well, you know. God, how does that work she's like really tall and-you know, forget it I don't wanna know. It's not important. I didn't know until you just mentioned it but honestly, I'm relieved. Its nice to know that he's getting some from somewhere because it isn't from me anymore."

I looked at her weirdly and she continued, "I'm cheating too. You know Roman Reigns? Yeah well, his name is Joe and this," She pointed to her stomach. "Is Joe Jr. Say hello, Thomas."

"Bloody hell. Is being faithful out of style? Am I the only being faithful?" I asked.

Brie nodded, "Afraid so, buddy. How long has been Bryan been sleeping with Charlotte? Few months? Do you know?"

"Since March of last year from what I gather," I replied. Brie stared at me for a really long time then scoffed, "You're kidding."

"No, why?" I asked.

"That's literally a month before we got married. That's also a fucking year ago, oh my god. I've been oblivious for a fucking year. How does that happen? Oh my god. I've been fucking Joe for months but he's been fucking Charlotte for a year!? What the fuck!?"

"I fucking know. That's why I wanna kill his scrawny ass."

I watched her get up as I asked, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going wake his ass up so you can kill him."

I laughed then stood up as she went toward the back. Good. It's about time I teach this injured little golden boy a lesson. As much as I'll enjoy whopping Bryan's ass, it won't change anything. It won't change the fact that he slept with her. It won't change that this little short bastard and my wife are fucking around. It won't change that she's pregnant by it and it definitely won't change the fact that Charlotte wants to divorce me.

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