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Dean's POV:

"So, I wake up in Tijuana with no clothes on, cigarettes, and a half empty bottle of rum. What a crazy night that was. Til' this day I still don't know all of the details but I figured I'm alive and well so, it couldn't have been too bad," I couldn't stop laughing as I told one of many of my wild stories. It was one of my favorites from this time in Mexico back when I wrestled for CZW and my mind was unclear. My youth was wild but I can't remember over half of it. Must've been good times though.
I looked up when I heard my locker room door.

I stopped laughing and quickly said into the phone, "I'll call you back."

Nikki smiled at me, "Hi Jon."

I pointed to myself and looked around then back at her, "Me?"

"Yes silly, you're the only one in here. I came to talk to you."

"About?" I asked, watching her sit down on the couch in my locker room.

"Come sit," She patted the spot next to her and like a slave, I did what she told me to. Which is something I'm never comfortable with. But for her I will.

Ugh, I'm whipped and I'm not even in a relationship.

I've become one of those guys I've made fun of.

"So, what's up?" I said a little too anxiously. Subtle, Jon, subtle.

"We need to talk about what you saw the other night as far as John and I. You see, he-"

"Hit you," I interrupted.

She flinched, "When you're the champion and you're use to the spotlight, it's hard for you to deal without it. You know, John's use to being the face of the company but now, all he is, is the U.S. champion. Don't get me wrong, he takes pride into the title and you can't help but admire that but lately, everything's changed. Is changing, if you will. He-"

"Hit you," I repeated, interrupting again. "Sounds like you're making excuses for him."

Nikki shook her head and ignored what I said, "This rivalry with that mean, vicious Kevin Owens guy is really taking over his mental state. That's all he can concentrate on. He doesn't eat or sleep but he trains and-"

"Drinks. Drinks a lot then hits you."

"You don't understand, John-"

"Don't. Ever. Tell me I don't understand. You think I don't understand? I grew up with this shit. I've seen this shit in my fucking home. Every. Single. Day. And you know something Nikki? I'm about to say something that's really fucking weird but you're acting just like my mother. Justifying why this man, this grown ass man, put his hands on you."

"He was just drunk and upset.."

"Oh give me a fucking break. He's angry that he's not at the top of the mountain? He's been on it fifteen times, he should be sick of the damn mountain. Kevin Owens was right, everyone here lives in John Cena land and I'm sick of it. You know what else? I grew up in a world where generally, it was okay to treat women like they were beneath you. Like dogs but you see, I knew better. I know better. Nicole, if you were with me.." I stopped myself from going any further and bit my lip. What's the point?

There was a long pause between us until she finally whispered, "If I was with you, what? Tell me.."

I sighed, "If you were with me, I'd treat you like the queen that I know you are. I'd probably aggravate the hell out of you and pick stupid arguments just for the hell of it but, that's what love is. Making fun of one another like you're in preschool and girls have cooties. Where understanding girls were like solving a rubric's cube, impossible. Hell, they still are. Do you know how complicated you are, Nikki? My god."

That made her laugh a little harder than I expected her to. The sound of her laughter brought a smile to my face because of how adorable it was.

Did I mention I was whipped? Because I believe I am.

Don't tell anyone or I'll kill you.

"Hey, Nikki?" I asked once she stopped.

"Hmm?" She shifted her body to face me then locked her arm with mine.

"There is a difference between my mother and yourself though."

"What's that?"

"Well, I hate my mother. But you, I'm in love with you."

Our heads started to lean in, hearts started racing, and time was inevitable.

But just when I grew a pair to do what I've been wanting to do for a really long time now, my locker room door swung open causing both of us to jump and the moment was over.

I met the eyes of my brother Joe and they were bloodshot. His clothes were wrinkled, his hair was a mess, and it looked like his shoes were on the wrong feet. I knew something was wrong, I could feel it.

"Hey man, I was worried about you. I texted you earlier and-"

"My phone is dead." This time I was interrupted by his deep voice. His deep pissed off voice. He looked at Nikki, "You need to go. Now."

Everyone knows when Roman Reigns is pissed off the way he is now, it's best not to argue. The entire WWE universe knew this.

I looked at her, "Give us a second?"

"Of course, I've got a match anyway."

That's when she kissed my cheek, stood up, and eased her way around Joe. He slammed the door behind her as I stared at him asking, "Are you okay?"


"Well brother, who's ass do we need to kick then?"

"I'm NOT your fucking brother. You got that? I've known you only three years, Jon. You're not my brother. You're not my family. You never were. You're just like Rollins. You're a selfish bastard. I don't associate my family with poor street kids who use to sell drugs and have sex with over half the population just because "he could." You're a cunt and honestly, I don't blame your father for walking out on you. Who wants to deal with some whiny little brat like you all day?" He spat coldly.

I blinked a few times staring at him, "Joe I uh," I cleared my throat. "What I do? You're mad at me?"

"Being mad at you would require giving a shit about you. I don't anymore. Get out."

"Wh-what I do..Joe, buddy I-"

"Don't fucking call me buddy. Buddies have each other's backs. Buddies don't stab each other in it. Buddies tell each other everything. Buddies don't make out with their buddy's fiancé."

I nodded slowly, "I was gonna tell you. I really was but then, I'd hardly call it making out. Look it was right after you guys lost Junior and-"


I reached out for him but before I knew what was happening, he grabbed me by my shirt collar. He opened the door and slung me across from the room onto concrete floor. I grimaced in pain and tried to sit up as I heard him say, "You're not just like Colby. You're worse. I hate you."

I jumped as the door slammed shut.
My Ambreigns heart just broke as I wrote that 😥 💔💔

Poor Dean 😥

Anyways, on the plus side we got some Dean/Nikki thrown in there.

Which is good if you ship it.

Roman's being an ass but are you surprised?

Anyways, comments and votes are appreciated as always.

Oh and btw don't worry, their will be more Breigns soon I promise.

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