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Reigns POV:

"Hey Ro, get a load of her." I looked up from the match I was watching at Ambrose. He stood in front of me and showed me the Playboy he was reading. I shrugged as he pointed to the woman with the large breasts (that were obviously fake) on the magazine's cover. "Of course you would find her attractive, titty master." He smiled and said, "That's my name isn't it? God, I love it." "I like to refer to you as the Lunatic Fringe. We do live in a PG friendly environment you know."

Dean laughed then sat continuing to stare at the racy magazine. None of those types of magazines have ever really phased me. Not even as a kid. I guess I was just to focused on wrestling because that comes with the territory of being from a legendary wrestling family. Everyone in my family wrestles. Everyone. When you're born in the Anoa'i family, you learn to wrestle before you walk. It's just how it is.

"Where you off to?" Dean asked when I stood up. "Uh, just.." Think, Joe, think. "Catering. Yeah man, I just need some food for nourishment." "Interesting considering we just ate twenty minutes ago." I didn't know what to say. I looked around everywhere trying to figure out some sort of explanation until Dean said, "You're going to see that mystery diva you've been obsessing over." "How'd you-" "You're my brother. I know everything. I'm not judging but dude, what are you gonna do about your family? Are you gonna ditch them for this one diva?" "No. Look, if I get close to her and sort out my feelings, then I'll be set."

Dean looked at me for awhile, "Is it AJ Lee? Because dude I totally understand if it's AJ." "What? No. It's not AJ." "It's not?" "No." "Then who? You can tell me. It's okay." "I'm not gonna tell you because it's none of your business, Ambrose. Now if you'll excuse me-" "Natalya. That's who it is. It's Natalya Neidhart. I knew you had a thing for blondes-" I chuckled shaking my head, "No it's not, Natalya." I walked toward the door as Dean continued guessing, "Is it Naomi?" "Dude, that's my cousin's wife, are you serious?"

"Cameron." "Dean-" "It's cameron isn't it!? I knew it." "It's not Cameron. Dean I really gotta-" "Alicia Fox. Wait no. Paige. NO I know it's-" I walked out before his guesses the right one. "I will find out eventually!" I heard Ambrose yell. I chuckled as I made my way to catering. No one will ever find out who. No one.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I ran smack into her. Smack into the love of my life and, because I'm so strong and muscular, she fell backwards. Great. Way to go, Ro.

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