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Roman's POV:

I was cheated out of my Wrestlemania moment from someone I use to call my brother. I had Brock Lesnar right where I wanted him and I was just about to become WWE World Heavyweight Champion. It doesn't matter what the fans think they saw, who's side they were on, whether they liked me or not because a good majority of them don't, I was going to be their champion. They had no choice but to believe in that.

But they didn't have to make that choice, thanks to Seth Rollins.

I won't go into details because I'm sure you've all seen what happened.

And if you didn't, just know he's your champion now.

"Hey asshole, tough match out there tonight," I heard and quickly turned around angrily.

It was just Dean. I sighed and held onto my ribs, which I'm pretty sure are broken due to those German suplexes and said, "I'm going to murder, Seth Rollins."

"Get in line, did you see the divas match earlier? Apparently, Brie blew chunks in the middle of the ring. That's definitely getting a Slammy."

I rolled my eyes, "Shouldn't you be in the trainers office? Luke Harper dropped you on your head out there."

"Yeah I know. I got stitches. Stupid, big hairy freak. I'll get my revenge. And my championship. You gonna do the same?"

"Of course," I replied. "But first, I need to get to the trainers office. So, help me."

Dean took my arm around his shoulder while I held my ribs in a tight clutch. We walked all around the damn arena since Dean and I had no clue where it was anyway.

"So, how's JoJo?" He asked breaking the silence.

"Getting bigger everyday. I think she's even discovered the art of boys."

Dean chuckled, "Uh-oh, time to get the shotgun."

"I know right. I was hoping to have a son by this point, you know. To ensure that no one hurts his big sister. Kinda that sort of thing but clearly, with the way things are going, getting Galina pregnant would cause even more conflict."

"How are things with you two anyway?"

I sighed, "I don't even know. She only contacts me if JoJo wants to FaceTime. That's about it. I try talking to her but she shuts me down every time. She even cancelled the wedding plans. I think she's planning on leaving me next time I see her in person."

"I think you should tell her about Brie. I mean yeah it'll make everything worse but dude it's crazy that your fiancé, a woman you've known you're entire life, has no idea that you're not in love with her like you were before."

I looked at him weirdly,"Okay, what's up with you? You're making sense. That never happens. You okay?"

"I just see things differently now. Life and all things around me are more clearly than they've ever been."

"Oh my god. You've gotten laid. When the hell did this happen? Who? Tell me."

"Joseph," Dean started. "I have not only had sex but I have made beautiful sweet passionate love with my now girlfriend. Thank you."

"Is it Nikki?"

Dean just smiled and I punched his arm, "Oh my god. You had sex with Nikki Bella. Jon!"

"Shhhhh! I've made love to Nicole Garcia."

"Oh my god. Really? Are you serious?"

That's when Dean started laughing and shook his head, "No, but boy did I have you going for a second there or what?"

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