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Roman's POV:

I woke up so quickly that I rose up like I was The Undertaker. Terrible mistake. I quickly grabbed my head which was pounding like a drum beat and I groaned in pain. Too much alcohol. Shit like this makes it clear why Cm Punk chooses to be straight edge. I don't remember a damn thing after I left Brie sitting at dinner.

Shit. I left Brie. Alone. At dinner. Way to go, shithead.

I just couldn't believe the mess I've made. Brie's pregnant so now, I have no choice but to tell Galina.

And JoJo. God, JoJo is gonna be a big sister.

I wasn't particularly worried about JoJo's reaction to being a big sister because for awhile, she's been saying she was ready to be one. But explaining to her that mommy wasn't going to be mommy to the baby is gonna be really difficult to explain. Even more difficult for her to comprehend. I'd have to explain that I cheated on mommy and that is what scares me the most.

It's almost funny. I can face Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania in front of hundreds of thousands of people but I couldn't face a five year old little girl. Hilarious isn't it? I can't face Galina either. That's cowardly but I just couldn't.

Can't, however, wasn't an option for me because can't went out the window as soon as I slept with Brie. Being the hopelessly in love puppy that would always be somewhere in the distance watching her seemed like a thousand years ago. That was safe. There was no harm in looking but the minute I saw her in that store when I was just trying to buy alcohol, it was over.

Now, look at the shit I'm in.

"Oh good, you're up. I was starting to worry because it's like two in the afternoon. Also, your phone has been blowing up like crazy. Pizza?"

I jumped at the voice I heard as she walked into my room and stared confused, "Charlotte? What are you doing in my room?"

"Oh yeah. You were pretty wasted so you probably don't remember but dude, I took you home."

"Why are you still here?"

"I stayed because you wouldn't pass out and you asked me to stay. All you did was vent about Brie and your soon to be second child and you cried-"

I interrupted, "No fucking way I cried. I don't cry."

"You bawled like a baby but no worries, secret is safe with me. I ordered pizza, hope you don't care but I used your credit card to pay for it."

I sighed, "Yeah, I don't care. Well, thanks I think."

Charlotte nodded, "Hey from one married cheater to another, am I right?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. First, I'm not married yet and second, you're cheating on Thomas?"

"Oh my god Reigns, we've been over this. Yes, I'm cheating on Thomas."

"With who? Fuck, is that my t-shirt? Did we...?" My eyes widened.

She shook her head, "You're an idiot. No, despite what this looks like, we didn't sleep together. I'm cheating on him with Bryan, not you." Charlotte paused then added, "I probably wasn't suppose to tell you that. Fuck, we're going to hell anyways."

"You said my phone was blowing up?" I asked while reaching over to grab it. I clicked it open and I had five missed calls from Galina, six from my mother, two from my mother, one from Dean, and five text messages from each of them then seven from Brie. Jesus Christ. People get all worried when you don't answer your phone immediately. "Fuck," I sighed.

"Honestly, I couldn't even sleep because of your phone and I was in the living room," She sat next to me. "Who is it?"

I chuckled, "Dean, Galina, my mom, Brie. Everyone apparently."

"Oooh we got Mr. Popular over here. Well, I'm gonna shower while you handle that okay, popular?"

I nodded laughing, "Sure thing. Hey Charlotte?"

She turned around as soon as she made it to the bathroom, "Sir?"

"Thanks for finding me. Good looking out. Oh, and you need to call Thomas. I think everyone needs to start coming clean about their cheating. I'm tired of the lying, you know?" She nodded, "I feel you." She disappeared into the bathroom.

As soon as I heard the shower water hit, I texted Dean to let him know I'm fine and to stop texting me or my phone would explode. I called my mom, who as usual, didn't want anything in particular but to see how I was doing on the road. Once I ended the phone call with mom, I answered Brie's text carefully. It read:

Brianna, this needs to come out. Especially now that we have a baby on the way. We need to stop pretending this is some dumb high school after school special and own up to this. We both made a mistake. And no, I'm not referring to our baby as a mistake.

I heard a knock at the front door. I got up walking toward the front door finishing up the text.

It's time to be honest.

I opened the door and nearly dropped my phone when I saw Galina. She stood hand in hand with JoJo and I couldn't really read her expression. Play it cool, Reigns. I smiled, "Hey guys. This is a nice surprise."

"Hi Daddy!" JoJo immediately ran and hugged my leg. I chuckled picking her up, "Hi princess. How are you?"

"Good. I lost my first tooth, see? But it's okay. The tooth fairy is taking care of it and she paid me for it. One whole dollar, can you believe that? At this rate, I'll be rich."

"Definitely. Make sure you share the wealth, Princess." I smiled at her.

I looked at Galina, "What? No hug for daddy?"

She laughed a little then hugged me. I hugged back and for just a second, it felt like nothing had changed. But that was only a second.

"We need to talk but she needs to eat. There's something really important we need to talk about."

"McDonalds?" I looked at JoJo and smiled excitedly.

I kissed JoJo's forehead as Galina walked back out the door. I started to follow but she stopped and turned around.

She gave me a look that sent chills down my spine, "That's rude, Joe."


"Aren't you gonna say goodbye to whoever is in the shower?"
Long chapter. Not a lot happened.

Just that major cliffhanger at the end of course! (:

See ya next time guys! (:

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