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Roman's POV:

I looked up when I heard a knock on the door and immediately said, "I'm not ready to let you back in yet, Jon. Go away. Go find someone else's fiancé to make out with."

"Whoa, not Jon. What's going on between you two?" Brie walked in, closing the door behind her.

"Distance. That's the only thing going between me and that cunt," I growled.

"Hey," She sat next to me and linked her arm around mine. "What happen?"

"It all started when his daddy didn't wear a condom and created that lunatic in the first place," I said.


"He kissed Galina. Who fucking does that? Kiss their best friend's fiancé and then have her fall in fucking love with that jackass? There's no way in hell that he's going to be a stepdad to my baby girl. Fuck that. Fuck him. I'm sick of him anyway."

"No you're not. If you were, you wouldn't be as upset. You're hurt but guess what? Joe, both of us have hurt people we love dearly. This is karma for cheating and you know what? Eventually, I'll get mine coming to me..in fact, I think I got mine last night when Bryan showed his true colors. You know he's been fucking around with Charlotte?" She asked.

I stood up quickly, "What do you mean? Did he say something slick about you? What'd he say? Brianna, do I need to beat up a goat?"

She smiled and stood up in front of me, "Look at my big strong superhero, all broad and ready to whoop ass. Babe, that's hot. No, you don't need to do anything but kiss me."

I smirked and kissed her for what felt like ten minutes...but was realistically, was like two. I didn't want to pull away but I had no choice because she did first.

She cleared her throat, "Besides, Thomas took care of Bryan. He wouldn't dare step to me now. I've talked to my lawyers and everything is in progress for the divorce. So you and I could get started. Maybe even go public."

"Mmh. One step at a time, not too soon. Let's wait it out a couple months...what do you mean Thomas took care of it? Who's Thomas?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Bram. Don't you watch TNA?"

"Who in God's name watches TNA anymore? The booking is shitty."

"Excuse me, don't shit on the product. TNA is better than us sometimes. Look that's not the point, the point is that's who Thomas is aka Charlotte's husband. Aka probably gonna be her ex husband soon."

I didn't like the tone in her voice as she said his name. I don't know, it could all be in my head but it seems to me that Brie really likes this Thomas guy. Maybe not like that but, she does seem to have a great respect for him. Her eyes kind of lit up in the way that I found really cute but it all it made me feel was jealousy.

"Yeah, he's my best friend now. We talked all night after I kicked Bryan out. Made me really feel better about the entire situation. We even shed a few years together," She chuckled.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Should I be worried? I mean, who is this guy? He might have shitty intentions and-"

"Leati Joseph Anoa'i, is that jealousy I hear? How sexy. Almost as sexy as when you were pissed off earlier. When it comes to Thomas, you have nothing to worry about. We're just friends-"

"We were just friends," I interrupted.

Brie shook her head, "Are you implying that once a cheater, always a cheater? Wow Joe, I fucking love you. Like a lot. All Thomas and I talked about was you but you know, whatever."

"Brie," I started but I was the one interrupted this time.

"Save it, I have to go meet up with Nikki after her-"

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her long, hard, and lovingly. She gasped on my lips but immediately kissed back almost forcefully. We stayed like this for a thousand and one years (three minutes, fifteen seconds, I counted) then finally pulled away so we can breathe again.

I smiled as she breathes heavily still staring at my lips and said, "I'm tired of drama. I'm tired of everyone. I love you and only you. I may have overreacted to Jon, I'll apologize to him later but for now.."

I started to lean closer but she stepped back, "Oh Jon isn't the only person you need to apologize too. You need to apologize to Galina. You need to sit down and talk to your daughter about her sibling and her mother. You've got tons to fix and until you do so, I'm afraid I can't kiss you."

I frowned, "What? Why you gotta do me like this? Am I in trouble?"

"You are if you don't go find Jon and apologize. Chop, chop mister."

"Okay but first, I have to do something," I got down on one knee and held out the ring from my pocket towards her and cleared my throat, "Brianna Garcia, this is highly inappropriate for me to ask you this. Especially since you're still married but you are the love of my life. I can't picture anyone better and I just suck at speeches, so yeah. Marry me won't you?"

She laughed, "Absolutely, you nerd. Now, go apologize to Jon."

I stood up then pointed up, "Hey what's that?"

She looked up where I was pointing and I leaned down, stealing a kiss then ran towards the door.

"Oh you bastard, I told you no kissing until you apologize!" She jumped on my back before I left the room and I laughed opening the door.

I ran around the arena with her on my back as we laughed.

It felt good to be kinda drama free for once.
I felt like this chapter was bleh.

But idk most of you tell me that it isn't.

It's quickly coming to an end though. I have literally two or three chapters left to write because I'm getting ideas for the sequel.

My Breigns heart exploded with happiness.

Bryan and Brie are divorcing, Gal and Joe are history, so that means they can finally be together.

And from the chapter before, seems Nikki and Dean are nearly solid.

Our couples are being brought together...what could possibly go wrong?

Well, like I said, there's a sequel coming.

What do you guys predict? I'd love to hear! Also, if you'd like some superstars added, just comment it and I guess I'll try and make them tie into the plot.

Or if anything, be mentioned.

Anyways, sorry for the overlong update.

I hope you enjoyed it! (:


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