44. Camping Trips and Sexual Frustrations

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Camping Trips and Sexual Frustrations

Blake's POV

"He's sitting all alone." Terra sighed sadly, getting up from her seat on the bus and looking back to where Cole sat, looking out the window.

"It's just a one-hour drive to the campsite. He'll survive." I said, rolling my eyes.

I turned to the front and saw Asher enter the bus, looking around before he developed a furious expression on his face.

"Why is Hazel sitting with Luke?" He asked me when he reached my seat.

"He came here first." I replied.

"Asher, move!" A voice came from behind him and we turned our attention to Lynne who stood there with her driver behind her, carrying a small pink suitcase. Asher moved to the side and the driver walked inside with her suitcase.

"Lynne, you're supposed to keep your things in the trunk." I said.

"I know that. These are just my necessities to survive in this disgusting bus for one whole hour." She said, looking around the place with a grimace.

"I have all my other luggage in the trunk. Of course, an entire air pump is not going to fit inside that tiny bag." She said with a chuckle.

"Air pump?" I asked.

"For my air mattress." She replied casually, making Asher and I exchange weird glances.

"Ever heard of a sleeping bag?" Asher asked.

"Yes, but there is no way I'm sleeping inside a gigantic pocket." She said and Asher chuckled.

"Anyways, I need someone to sit with." He said before pulling her to a seat at the back.

I turned back to Terra who sat beside me, still looking back to where Cole sat.

"Now there's a girl sitting with him." She said and I turned my head to see Cole laughing along with a girl beside him.

"Isn't that a good thing? He's not alone anymore." I said.

"Yeah", she mumbled before turning forwards and sitting down.

"Stop worrying so much about him. He's going to be fine." I chuckled before wrapping my arms around her and she placed her head on my shoulder.

"Let's enjoy this trip, alright?" I asked to which she nodded and I placed a kiss on top of her head.

"I'm so tired." She said, "My mom woke me up early in the morning to make sure that I had everything. She was a little worried about letting me go alone." She chuckled.

"Go to sleep now." I said and she smiled at me before hugging my arm and closing her eyes. I smiled at her and rested my head on top of hers as I closed my eyes.

I guess somewhere along the way I fell asleep because the next thing I know, I was given a hard hit on my head.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked up to see Lynne staring at me and Terra with a scowl on her face.

"We're here." She said blankly before walking away without a second glance.

"Terra, wake up." I said, lightly patting on her shoulder and she slowly opened her eyes before looking at me, squinting her eyes.

"Are we there?" She asked and I nodded with a smile. I moved the hair out of her face before pressing my lips against her forehead.

I got up from my seat and got out of the bus, knowing that Terra was following behind me. Once we were out, I slung an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close to me.

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