7. After-Effects and Unsettled Lovers

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After Effects and Unsettled Lovers

"Blake, wake up." I whispered softly into his ears causing him to slightly shudder.

I smiled and let my fingers trail down his jaws and with a light shiver, his eyes fluttered open.

"Come back to bed", he grumbled, still half asleep.

I rolled my eyes as I continued trailing my fingers down his chest and then his abs and—

He caught my hands before it could go any lower. Then the next thing I know, I'm being pinned down on my bed.

I gave him a victory smile, "You're awake."

"Yes, and so is my not so little friend down there."

I chuckled, "Nothing that a cold shower can't fix."

"I actually had other ideas." He smirked and dipped his head towards the nape of my neck, placing a kiss there.

"Blake, I don't have time to do anymore cover ups. So if you leave a hickey, you're not getting laid for the next one month."

He groaned and pulled away from my neck.

"Besides, I'm already dressed for school. You should've woken up earlier." I said as I slightly pushed his shoulder hinting him to get up.

"You're so mean." He pouted and got up, releasing me. He walked into the bathroom while I returned back to doing my hair.

After a while, he came out with a towel secured around his waist.

"Lynne, be nice to Terra if you don't want her to report to you to the authorities", he reminded.

I scoffed, "I'm not scared of her."

"So, you're not scared to go to jail?"

"As I told you yesterday, I can get out of it easily."

"But don't you hate taking help from your parents?" he smirked knowing that he won this little argument.

"Maybe" I mumbled quietly making him chuckle.

"Just be careful", he said placing a kiss on my forehead, "And try not to get into any trouble, please"

"No promises." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Get dressed or we'll be late." I scolded pushing him towards my closet.


I fiddle with my bracelet as I stood in front of Kate's locker, waiting for her to leave her Algebra class. The uneasiness in the pit of my stomach didn't settle even after seeing her walk towards me.

"Give it to me straight. How bad is it?"

"Really bad." She replied and I closed my eyes, letting out a deep sigh.

I had asked Kate to spy on Blake and Terra today to know the outcome of my failure.

"Addy, saying that your plan failed would be an understatement. Your great plan to keep them apart just drove them closer. Now, she trusts him more than ever since he saved her from you and Jack."

I groaned and leaned my head against her locker.

"I can't believe I messed up this bad."

"Well at least next time, you'll think twice before forcing someone's boyfriend into sexually assaulting a girl", she said with a bitter tone.

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