18. Hurt Feelings and Heartfelt Regrets

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Francisco ^^^^^ He is soooo hawttt!!

Hurt feelings and Heartfelt Regrets

"Asher, I'm bored." I whined as he played on his PS4. 

"Addy, I don't care." 

"But really, I'm bored." 

"Shut up!" 

"I can't, I'm bored." 


"I'm bored." 

He put down his controller and turned to me, "Why are you here?" 

"Your mom invited me for breakfast when I told her that I was bored." 

"Go annoy her then." He grumbled before taking his controller again.

"I can't. She's cooking and if I go there, she'll ask for help." 

"Go talk to my dad." 

"He's reading the newspaper and I don't want to hear him talk about politics." 

"What do you normally do on a Saturday morning?" He asked throwing the controller to his bed, "Because normally, I get peace." 

"Well, usually I sleep. Blake would be over on Fridays and we'd go to bed very late at night, so I'd sleep in on Saturdays."

"Of course. Blake." He mumbled, "You two fighting is driving me nuts. He keeps calling me every five seconds to hangout ever since you stopped talking to him." 

"Why? Didn't Terra give him company?" I scoffed and Asher let out a sigh. 

"Addy, he drove her home from one party and they went to one carnival together. It does not mean that he's replacing you with her." 

"It certainly felt like it when he left me naked on a bed to go serve as a personal chauffer to a maid's daughter." 

"Trust me, he has been regretting that ever since you stopped talking to him."

"I don't care about him." I mumbled. 

"Really?" Asher asked, raising an eyebrow, "How many times this week have you asked me about him?" 


"Try again." He smirked. 

"Shut up!" I frowned and crossed my arms.

"Go talk to him after breakfast. You've taken this too far." He said. 

"No, I haven't." 

"Yes, you have. He told me about what happened at the carnival." He informed, "Addy, I know you're mad at him, but that does not give you the rights to hurt him like that." 

When I didn't reply, he spoke again, "If you really do love him, talk to him. Don't lose him because of some girl he talks to occasionally." 

"She's not just some girl. He likes her." 

"I know, but this is just a phase. I mean, who hasn't had a silly crush before?" He asked. "And I know that it hurts you that he likes someone else but staying away from him is obviously hurting you more and it's hurting him to." 

"But it's going hurt even more when I lose him." I whispered softly. 

"But you haven't lost him, Addy. Or at least you haven't lost him because of Terra. Right now, you're the one pushing him away." He said, "I'm not saying that you'll lose him, because you won't, but if you do, don't let it be your fault. All of these worries you have are just in your head."

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