25. First Days and Bad Impressions

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First Days and Bad Impressions

I still remember my first day of school like it was just yesterday. Of course, like normal people, I don't remember much of when I was ten. But that day will forever be etched in my head.

It was the day my life began, and it was the day I met the boy who ended up stealing my heart.

I can never forget the fear I felt inside me as Kristine's car came to a halt in front of the huge building surrounded by little kids of different ages, running around in a playground.

Asher being his bubbly self excitedly opened the door and jumped out of the car. On the contrary to his behavior, I curled up against the door and hugged my bag against my chest.

"Addy," Kristine called out to me softly, but all I did was shrink down more.

"Addy, you don't have to be scared," she assured.

"What if they don't like me?" I asked in low voice.

"They'll love you, Addy. You're the most amazing little girl that I know."

"No, I'm not. My nanny said that I'm a bad girl. That's why my mother and father don't visit me," I whispered, and Kristine gave me a sympathetic look.

"That's not true, Addy. Your parents are busy with work. Besides, you have us, and we love you because you're a good girl."

"I'm a good girl?" I asked, a small smile making its way to my face.

"Yes, you are. And do you know what good girls do? They go to school."

"I don't want to go," I whispered, shaking my head frantically.

Kristine sighed, getting out of her car and walked towards my door. Asher quickly ran to his mother's side, watching her open the door.

"Come on, Addy. Don't be shy." She softly grabbed my arms and helped me out of the car. Taking my bag from my hands, she place it around my shoulder. 

"Asher is going to be with you at all times. You don't have to worry about anything," she said as she took my tiny hand and placed in Asher's.

Kristine placed a kiss on both of our cheeks, and Asher grinned at me before pulling me towards the entrance of the school.

I slowly turned around to look at Kristine and felt sweat burn my body as I saw her car back away from the school.

"Why did she leave?" I asked Asher.

"Because she does not go to school," he replied.

"Won't she come back for us?" I asked. My eyes slowly started to water at the thought of her leaving me forever.

"She will come when the teacher lets us go home," Asher replied with a grin.

He pulled me towards the playground filled with students. Most kids of age ten would've jumped with joy at the sight, but all that made me want to do was run and hide in my room

Back then, I didn't meet many people and crowds scared the fuck out of me. The closest I came to human contact were the heartless maids, teachers who homeschooled me and Asher's family who I met during the weekends.

"Asher!" I heard a voice call. My head snapped to most gorgeous little boy sitting on a bench, shaking his legs in excitement.

As Asher pulled me towards him, I had no idea that he would be the love of my life. But still, there was something about his alluring eyes and that bright smile on his face which made me feel drawn to him.

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