9. Painful Truths and Agonizing Heartbreaks

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If you can recognize those ^ hands, I'll love you forever!!

Painful Truths and Agonizing Heartbreaks


That's the only feeling I got after having sex with that asshole, Alec.

I came back home and collapsed on my bed as soon as I walked into my room.

I had slept with Alec plenty of times last year, but I don't remember feeling this unsatisfied. This time, it was different. This time, I was in love with someone.

For the past four months, I hadn't slept with anyone but Blake. But after his phone call today, I really needed to blow off some steam. So, I called Alec.

Why do I feel regretful? I thought to myself. Blake wasn't my boyfriend, and I had every right to sleep with others just the way he had rights to be with that bitch. 

The doorbell rang throughout the house, but I stayed frozen on my bed, feelings the numbness in my heart spread to my body.

A creak of the door notified me that one of the maids answered it, and soon, heavy footsteps filled my hearing, increasing as they neared my room.     

"Hey Lynne." 

"Blake, I'm not in the mood," I whispered, my eyes focused on the ceiling above me. 

"I'm not here for sex, Lynne. I need a place to stay."

I opened my eyes and sat up straight.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly

"My parents are fighting again. I can't be there when they're like that." His voice broke in between his words, and the tears forming at the rim of his eyes glistened under the bright yellow lights. 

I stood up, walking up to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him as tight as I can, and clenched my eyes shut as he returned the hold. Just being near him made my nerves judder more erratic than it did while being fucked by Alec.

He pulled away from me, grabbing my face in his hands. "Did you eat anything?"

"Not. Take a shower and freshen up," I suggested. "I'll ask Helena to make us something."

"I already ate," he said, scratching the back of his neck.

"With Terra," I guessed, noticing the guilty look he wore.

"I know you don't like her, but—" 

"Take a shower," I interrupted. "Then you can drool as you watch me eat," I joked, trying to push her out of our conversations. He was upset, and I didn't want to drag this problem in. 

Love was funny that way. My own pain didn't hurt as much as seeing him in pain.

He lightly smiled, kissing my forehead before walking to the bathroom. I ordered Helena to prepare some white sauce pasta and switched on the TV, settling on my bed.

A few minutes later, Helena walked into the room. She rolled the over-bed tray to over my lap and placed my food on it. 

The click of a door turned out attention to the steam escaping the bathroom, and Blake emerged into our view. My lips parted, eyes stalking the water droplets dripping down his hair only to land on his broad, toned chest. My hands itched to pull off the white towel around his waist that blocked my view of the only dick that my body craved for anymore.

Holy shit, I'm still horny. I guess Alec was a waste of time then.

A soft cough from his mouth made my eyes snap to his smirk as he watched me intensely. I shook my head, and looked away from him to Helena whose eyes danced up and down Blake body.

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