46. Fishing Lakes and Sleeping Arrangements

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Fishing Lakes and Sleeping Arrangements

I felt someone stamp on my leg, and I opened my eyes to see Cole pacing around the tiny space of the tent, shirtless in a pair of sweatpants.

"Excuse me, my leg!" I exclaimed as I saw him walking around as if he didn't just stamp on me.

"S-Sorry," he mumbled.

"What is up with you?" I asked, and he abruptly stopped, turning to me.

"I-I had sex," he said before pacing around again.

"It's just sex; not murder," I said, rolling my eyes.

He walked towards the corner of the tent before picking up a pink silk dress that looked an awful lot like my nightdress from last night.

"Uhh... I f-found it outside the t-tent." He held it up to me.

"What the fuck? How? I left it by the lake."

"I d-don't know," he said.

"How long will this stutter last?" I asked, giving him an annoyed look.

"I-I d-d-don-"

"It just got worse." I groaned as I pulled the covers off me.

Cole's eyes widened and he quickly shut his eyes before turning around. I looked down at my naked body before throwing my hands up exasperatedly.

"Really, Cole? Last night you had your hands and mouth all over my body, and now you can't even look at me." I scoffed.

I got up from Cole's mat and walked up to him before tapping on his shoulder.

"Cole, turn around," I said softly, and he turned to me with his eyes closed.

I laughed before standing on my toes and softly kissing his lips. I pulled away from him to see his eyes slowly open and a smile appeared on my lips as I took my dress from his hands.

His eyes wandered down my body and I smirked seeing the lust forming on his face before turning around, looking at my dress.

"This has mud all over it." I grimaced, "I can't wear this. Do you have anything I could use?"

"C-Check my b-bag." He pointed at a duffle bag in the corner.

I walked towards it and looked through the shirts in it before picking one up with a smirk on my face.

"I want this one." I said, holding an old jersey with 'Hamilton' written in bold across the back.

"Not that! It has my name written on it!" he exclaimed.

"I know," I said, pulling it over my head, "Anyways I'll have to do the walk of shame. I'd rather have people knowing that it's you than some random low-life."

"B-But no one's even aw-wake. It's f-five in the morning." He said and I groaned.

"Well, in that case, I'm going to go sleep on my mattress. I can't believe that I carried a freaking mattress here and I had to sleep on a mat. Not even a sleeping bag; a freaking mat!"

"Mats are less restraining than sleeping bags." Cole defended.

"You know what's better? A mattress."

I placed a kiss on his lips and gave him a wink before walking out of the tent. As expected, the very few people who were awake now had their judging eyes glued on me.

I found Blake's tent left open when I reached it where Luke slept peacefully on my dear sweet mattress. Blake sat on his sleeping bag with his legs crossed and his elbows propped up on his lap as his head rested on his palms.

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