49. Weekend Pleasures and Chatty Nights

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Weekend Pleasures and Chatty Nights

"You're going home already?" I asked him as he got up from the bed and put his pants on.

"Yes, I have to study," Cole answered. "I can't believe that I spent the entire weekend having sex. What have you done to me?"

"Boys can't get enough of me. It's very normal, Cole." I chuckled, "On the bright side, you don't stutter anymore."

"I-I j-just-"

"No, it's back," I cried, and he rolled his eyes.

"Wait!" I shouted as he opened the door, "It's still the weekend. Tomorrow is Monday, and you could go back to studying. Just enjoy this night."

"I have homework," he said.

"Copy it from me. I'm done."

"What? When did you do it? You were having sex all the time," he said, and I gave him a pointed look.

"Cole, stop exaggerating. We did not have that much sex. You had to see the way Blake and I used to be during the weekends," I said.

"Can we not talk about him?" he asked, and I gave him an eye-roll.

"Okay, fine. We won't. But can we have fun tonight?"

"Why don't you go down to the club? I'm sure that there are a lot of guys willing to have fun with you," he said.

"But I like you better than them," I whined, and he let out a sigh.

"Do you know why you like me better than the other guys?" he asked.

"Because you're hot," I replied.

"No, because you actually talk to me. Try getting to know a guy before sleeping with him, and maybe you might like him too." Cole said.

"Talking is a waste of time. Imagine all the good sex you could have in that time," I said.

"Why don't you give it a try for one night? Go out, find a guy and talk to him, but don't have sex with him tonight. If you regret wasting your time talking, don't do it again. If you liked it, you might actually get a boyfriend." He said and I gave it a thought.

"Okay, fine. I'll do that, but on one condition." I said.

"What is it?"

"You have to come with me," I said.

"But homew-"

"Copy it from me," I said again.

"Addy, you won't get a guy if I'm with you. People would think that you're taken." He said.

"You're not going to be with me, Cole. If I'm going to talk to a guy without having sex, you're going to talk to a girl without stuttering."


"You're already stuttering." I glared at him.

"Cole, I'm not the only one who needs to move on. You need to too. Talk to a girl without being too scared and maybe, you might find someone perfect for you." I said suggestively.

"Fine, I'll go with you," he said, and I grinned.

"But first, give me your homework," he demanded, stretching his arm towards me, and I rolled my eyes before taking my book from my and handing it to him.

"Okay, get changed. I'll quickly copy this down" he said, and I placed a kiss on his lips before walking into my closet.

After I got ready, we drove to Jack's club. As soon as we reached there, Cole started panicking as if he was going to jump off a cliff.

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