17. Carnival Tricks and Grand Prizes

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Carnival Tricks and Grand Prizes

Who the fuck had the audacity to ring my doorbell while I'm studying?

I marched downstairs, wearing a huge scowl on my face. If this is Blake, all my security guards are going to get fired because I gave them clear instructions to keep him out of my house. 

Determined to give Blake an earful, I opened the door only to be greeted by someone else. 


"Hey!" He chirped but I refused to return the enthusiasm.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I want your help." He answered.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Do I really give you a helpful vibe?"

"No, but I thought you would make an exception for me." He said hesitantly. 

"Cole, don't think. You're not very good at it." 

"Addy, please. I just need one favor. You're not going to regret it." He begged and I huffed.

"What do I get out of this?" I asked. 

"You get Blake." He replied. 

"Sure, Blake's a prize you could win at a carnival game." I commented sarcastically and he gave me a sly smile. 

"Why are you smiling at me like that?" I asked.

"Tonight, Blake is a prize you could win at a carnival game." 


"You brought me to a fucking carnival?!" I shouted, "I thought you used carnival as a metaphor." 

"What's wrong with carnivals? Aren't they fun?" He asked.

"No, they're not fun. They're very crowded, meaning; there are going to be a lot of gross, sweaty people carrying a lot of germs. The food there is something insects stamp over and do I even have to get started on how unhygienic the seats are going to be there?"

"You sound like my mom." He complained. 

"Well, your mom is a wise woman." I claimed, "At least she's wise enough to hate Terra. Same can't be said about you." 

"Terra's not that bad." He said. 

"She ruined any sort of peace and happiness in my life." I said, making him sigh. 

"If you do as I say, you could get your peace and happiness back." He said

"Okay fine." I grumbled, "Why did you bring me here?" 

"Blake's here." 

"I don't want to see him." I told Cole. 

"Then what were you expecting when you came here with me?" Cole asked. 

"I was just expecting to see Terra. I thought you would want me to talk her out of liking Blake." 

"Do you really think that I would want you to talk to Terra?" He asked and I nodded. 

"Addy, you don't talk to her. You bully her and I'm not going to let you do that." 

"Whatever", I mumbled, "Why am I here again?" 

"Blake's here with Terra obviously. I want you to distract him and when Terra realizes that he would easily ditch her for another girl, she would want nothing to do with him." 

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