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As Quinn Fabray walked down the school hall the crowds parted. She had no official authority, but it was an unwritten rule at McKinley High School that Quinn was in charge. She certainly acted that as if she was. Everybody knew her name, and nobody messed with her. The moment she stepped into the school everyone else was inferior. Was it the fact that she was head cheerleader? Or was it her reputation for dating the most popular guys in school, the ones everybody wanted, and dumping them a week later? There was just something in the stare she would give you as you walked down the hall, the comment she would make under her breath as you passed, the insults she would fire at her own 'friends'.

This is the story of Quinn Fabray. It's a tale of loss and love, of sadness and joy, of despair and hope. And it's the best story you'll ever hear. So get comfortable, put your feet back and enjoy. But be warned, it isn't all sunshine and rainbows. I aim to tell the truth, no matter how ugly and messed up. After all, I am Santana Lopez!

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