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I had two classes with Quinn Fabray. One was math and the other was Spanish. I sucked at math but since my family were Spanish I wasn't too bad at that one. In fairness, neither was Quinn. She was certainly clever. The day after I heard her cry in the stall, I was sat in Spanish class. As soon as I walked in, I noticed her desk was empty. I walked over to my seat and waited for her to arrive, but the lesson came and went and there was no Quinn Fabray to be seen. At lunch I asked some of the cheerios if they'd seen her but they said the hadn't.

'Sometimes she just disappears for a couple days. We don't know where she goes or what she does, but she doesn't come in, doesn't reply to anyone's messages, just sort of disappears.

This was all very strange. First she was crying and throwing up in the bathroom and now she was just missing. I wasn't any closer to solving the mystery of Quinn Fabray, if anything I was getting further and further away from the answer.

The next day was Math, and she wasn't there. The day after was Spanish again, and still her desk remained empty. It wasn't until a week later that she arrived, waltzing into the building as if she had never left. I watched people part in the hallways as she walked and wondered how one girl could have so much power. Power over everyone. The school had given her throne straight back and order had been restored. She was feeling meaner than ever today, a price that seemingly must be paid for the break she had given us. Not that it was really a break. I had spent the whole time worrying about where she was and if she was ok. Nobody else seemed to miss her though. She hadn't given anyone reason to. I was going to ask her what happened but I thought it best to stay out of her way, at least for now. I didn't particularly feel like getting my head bitten off on a Monday morning.

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