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A few weeks later, me and Quinn were lying on my bed, talking. She'd come round to my house every day after school and we'd talk, make out, talk make out, talk...well you get the picture. We'd just finished our make out session when we had this conversation.

'I promise you, she's totally got a thing for Kurt.' Quinn giggled.

'Does she know that he's gay?' I asked.

'You know what, I don't think she does.'

'I think I'm going to have to be the one to burst her bubble.'

'I don't think you should be looking forward to that opportunity!'

'What can I say, I'm a monster.'

'You're my monster.'

She leaned in and kissed me.

'Hey, Q?'


'One day I'm gonna tell your story.'

'What do you mean tell my story?'

'Well, you've had such a difficult life and you've overcome so much and look at you now. Happy and totally in love. I think the world deserves to hear your story. To see how brave you are.'

'I'm not brave.'

'You're the bravest person I know. And hey, it might inspire someone.'

'Nobody wants to hear my story. Anyway, how are you gonna tell my story, cos I'm hoping for a full scale, Hamilton-style musical.'

'I'm sorry Q, but I just don't think you're that important. Not yet anyway.'

'Movie? With Gwenyth Paltrow playing me of course!'

'What, the one that Miss Holiday looks like? No way, it has to be Cameron Diaz. But you're wrong again.'

'Well how are you going to share my trials and tribulations with the world?'

'How about a book?'

'I didn't know you wrote?'

'I don't but I'd be willing to give it a go if it meant that my wife would become a superstar and she'd be a role model for kids around the world. Anyway, after I've released the book some company can buy it and make it into a much more successful film. Starring Cameron Diaz.'

'Gwenyth Paltrow! And you know what, I'd be ok with a book.'



She kissed me again.

'So, Finn asked if we wanted to go to the movies later.'

'What, a double date?'

'A Finchel-Quinntana double date no less.'

'As long as you're there it will be perfect.'

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