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It all started on my first day at a new school. I had just transferred to McKinley and had never met anyone there before. I was eager and excited to get started and make some friends. This guy was standing beside me in the hall. I had no idea who he was, but he looked friendly enough and I was desperate to meet people, so I struck up a conversation.

'Hi, my name's Santana! I just transferred here so I don't know anyone yet. I'm a sophomore.'

'Hey new kid! My name's Finn. I'm a sophomore too. You'll love McKinley. We have a great cheerleading squad and our football team's alright and...ooh we have a glee club! Do you like music?'

'Yeah, I love to sing, but in my old school glee was like the most unpopular thing you could join. Is it cool here?'

'Totally...Well, sort of...actually not at all but it's great fun. A couple of us from the football team go. We kinda get bullied but most of the time it's ok. You should come. We have rehearsal later today.'

'Yeah ok, tha...'

Suddenly my attention was captured by the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. She was walking down the hall with more attitude than I had ever seen anyone do anything. And I couldn't take my eyes off her.

'That's Quinn Fabray. She's kinda Queen bee around here, most people just do what she says. Stay out of her way or you'll get hurt. She doesn't care about anyone.'

'Is she straight?'


'Is she straight. Like does she love boys.'

'Well, she's dated a ton of them so I'm pretty sure...'


'Wait, are you...?'

'A lesbian? Yeah.'

'Just to warn you, people aren't exactly the most open-minded here. But hey, you should talk to my step-brother, Kurt. He's the only openly gay kid at this school and he'd love to have a mate. I'll introduce you in glee club.'

'That sounds great! And don't worry about me, I'm used to bullying.'

'Yeah but you're not used to Quinn Fabray.'

And that, as it turns out, would prove to be alltoo true. I was in her territory so I was under her rule. And, if you hadn'tfigured out by now, she can be pretty ruthless when she wants to be.

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