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I couldn't stop thinking about Quinn's story. I was so proud of her for talking about it, I can't even imagine having to go through hell like that. It's the sort of thing you read on the news or see on TV. It doesn't happen in real life.

On Monday morning I waited on the steps of McKinley High. As Quinn approached I smiled. She smiled back.

'Hey you.'

'Why hello Tana.'

'Listen I can't stop thinking about what you said and...'

'You better not be feeling sorry for me.'

'Well a little bit. But I have resolved to channel that energy in a positive way. I am going to give you a life that is yours. You will get to hang out with real friends, do things you really enjoy, spend a whole lot of time with your favourite cheerio...'

'I didn't know Brittany was in on this plan!'

'You're so funny. I meant me.'

'So, what did I do to deserve this?'

'You're not happy Quinn. I can see that quite clearly. But I'm gonna change that cos you deserve to be happy more than anyone.'

'I'm not sure I'm ready for my whole life to just change, Tana.'

'And that's why we're gonna do it in stages. First step...'

I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her through a door at the end of the corridor.

'...Glee club.'


'Well, we were singing along to the radio at my house when you came over and I know you were messing about but you weren't half bad.'

'I've never sung in front of anyone before.'

'But you love it?'

'Yeah, I guess I do. But everyone in that club hates me. I've made their lives a living hell. Not to mention the fact that joining this club will make me a loser. I'm Quinn Fabray, someone will notice and then the respect everyone has for me will be gone.'

'Just try it Q. Just try it for me.'

An Hour Later

'It was so good to have you back San, and it was nice to have you there too Quinn.'

'See you in English, Frankenteen!'

'You bet, Lopez!'

'So, what did you think?'

'I really enjoyed it!'


'Yeah! I couldn't believe how nice everyone was. I've bullied them for years.'

'Well they know what it feels like to be left out and they wouldn't want anyone to feel that way. Plus, you joining Glee club is pretty strange. I think most of them were in shock.'

'They're good people. They won't tell anyone, right?'

'Of course not, don't worry! So, you gonna go back?'

'I don't know if I want to commit full time, but it was fun I guess.'

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