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That evening I was sat in my bedroom, blasting Amy Winehouse and crying. Quinn hadn't spoken to me since that morning and I knew what that meant. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I didn't answer. I couldn't. The person knocked again, then rang the bell. They were certainly persistent. Then I heard a voice.

'Tana! Please let me in!'

As much as I wanted to act as if I didn't care, I found myself running to the door and flinging it open.


'Hey, I'm really sorry I didn't meet you after school, I got kinda side-tracked by Kurt and Rachel giving me the lowdown on eco-friendly moisturisers. I tried to get away but you know how they are when they get going and...'

'So you weren't at cheerios practice?'

'No. I thought about what you said and, as much as I like to think I'm right, I wasn't. You were.'

'Of course!'

'Well, you said what I needed to say to myself, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. You're one ruthless girl and I love you. I went to Coach Sylvester and told her I quit. That it wasn't who I am anymore and that I have to just be me.'

'And what did she say?'

'Nothing for a while. I think she just about fainted with shock. She had to sit down. And before I told her I was nervous. I wasn't sure if I was making the right decision. But then she started talking about perfection and how there is a serious lack of beautiful girls in the school and I was sure. I want to celebrate who I am, not run away from it. I learnt that from you.

Well, I suppose it makes up for the amount of math that I've learnt of you.'


'Hey, Tana?'


'I'm sorry.'

'It's ok.'

'You don't look ok.'

'I wasn't, but now I am. Better than ok. Better than better than ok!'

'Good. Hey, Tana?'


'I love you.'

In reply I leaned forward and our lips pressed together once again.

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