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After school, me and Quinn sat on my bedroom floor. She had been suspiciously quiet since school finished.

'So...?' I tried to start the conversation.

'What?' She asked.

'I'm dying to know how you felt about the first day of the new Quinn, but you've barely said anything.'

'It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.'

'Is that all?'

'I didn't hate it.'

'Oh come one Q.'

'It was ok, I guess.'

'You guess?'

She sighed.

'Fine. I really liked it. I loved it. I always thought that popularity was the best thing you could have at high school. Now I realise how lonely I've been. I like having real friends. Friends who challenge you and care about you and genuinely want to know how you're doing.'

'And that could be yours everyday. I can't wait for your first Glee club solo and my first solo and...'

'Tana, I'm scared.'

'Hey, it's ok. About what?'

'I don't know if I'm cut out for this life. My heart has hardened over the years and I don't know why you're wasting your time on me. I'm already messed up, and I'll just end up screwing things up when I feel uncomfortable or insecure.'

'You're a good person Q. You just need to find that again. I really think this will help.'

'But I don't even know how to have real friends.'

'Just be you. They will love you if you show them the real Quinn. Take off the mask, the costume, the spare mask, the spare costume...'

'I get the idea.'

'And just be yourself. But you have to be willing to try.'

'Ok, if you insist.'

'Oh, I do. And I can be pretty persuasive when I want to be.'

Quinn laughed and wiped at her tears.

Slowly she turned her head towards me and I was overcome. She was more beautiful than I'd ever seen her. My eyes fell into a sea of green and got lost there. Every little thing about her was so perfect and, judging by the way she was looking at me, she felt it too. Everything just felt right in the world at that moment. Like I could cure freakin' cancer or something. And as she leaned in, placing her lips on mine, I inhaled her scent and closed my eyes. I could've sworn fireworks went off around us. I had imagined this moment over and over again in my head, but never had it felt quite like this. Quinn suddenly drew away, looking embarrassed.

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