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I didn't go after Quinn. She didn't reach out to me and I figured she'd want to be alone. But the next day at school she wasn't in. I was worried about her, so I called her. She didn't answer. I called again and again but I never got an reply. I couldn't concentrate on any of my classes and I sat at lunch, picking at my sandwiches. Finn, Kurt and Rachel watched me, concerned looks on their faces.

'She'll be ok, San. She probably just doesn't want to be in school right now.' Kurt reassured me.

'Why isn't she answering my calls?'

'Maybe she just wants to be alone. She's strong, remember?' Rachel said.

'I just have a really bad feeling.'

'You know, if you want to go to her house, I'll cover for you in English.' Finn was a lifesaver.

'That's a good idea. I'll just check she's ok then come back.'

I shoved my stuff into my bag.

'Thanks Finn.'

'No problemo, Lopez.'

He smiled at my and I smiled back. Then I rushed out of school. I didn't know why I was running but I was. I ran down the streets, all the time thinking about Quinn and what happened. I arrived at her house, out of breath and shaking. I knocked on her door. Nobody answered. I knocked again in case she didn't hear and called her name, so she knew it was me. Still no response. I tried the handle and found the door unlocked. I felt guilty for intruding but I just had to know that she was ok.

I walked through the empty house, calling her name. There was no sign of life. I went upstairs and into her bedroom. Her bed was made and her clothes folded, but still no Quinn. I went round the house again but found nothing.

I left the house, trying to think of places that Quinn might go and realising that I didn't know her as well as I thought I did. I went back to my house to double check she wasn't there and then started to walk around the town. I went to the shops, the park and the woods but it was like she had just vanished.

I was doing my final walk round town when Ispotted an opening in the woods I hadn't noticed before, surrounded byovergrown trees. I scrambled through and when I got to the other side I stoppedstill. There was a beautiful lake tucked away and...I gasped.

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