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Several days later, we walked into school.

'I feel naked without my cheerios uniform on.' Quinn said.

'I'd rather you were.' I replied cheekily.




We walked into school, side by side and heads held high. I noticed immediately that people were acting strange. They were whispering to each other and staring at us. I felt Quinn tense up beside me. They'd been like this the day after Quinn quit the cheerios, but in the last few days it had stopped, and it seemed like nobody cared anymore. So why were they all so excited today?

'What's going on?'

'It's ok. Whatever it is it's not gonna get to us. You've quit the cheerios and it's the talk of the school, but then someone else'll do something and they'll forget about you. Just keep your head up and ignore it, Ok?'


People stared at us as we went past like we were animals on parade. I would've thought it would be old news by now. I was on edge but I didn't let it show. One of us was going to have to hold it together. Finn and Kurt were stood at the end of the corridor. I smiled and strode towards them. They didn't smile back.

'Hey guys, what's wrong?'

'Erm, there's something you have to...'

'What's going on?'

'Nothing. They're still talking about Q quitting the cheerios but we're totally over it. They're talking about Q quitting the cheerios, right?'

'That's old news. Another rumour swept in and took its place.'



'Alright fag?'

Quinn spun around and came face to face with a girl who was once afraid of her.

'What did you call me?'

'She called you a fag' called a boy who she had pushed into the lockers a week before.

Everyone was looking at her. She turned back to Finn.

'I'm so sorry Quinn. Some girl overheard you and San talking about it. She wasn't going to say anything but then you quit the cheerios and she started spreading it and...'

Angry tears ran down Quinn's face as she turned around. I called out her name but she didn't listen. She ran down the corridor and out of school. I couldn't believe what had just happened.

I stood on a window ledge and addressed the crowd of onlookers.

'You know what? You should be ashamed of yourselves. Quinn has been through more difficulty than you'll ever have to experience, and she has to deal with that every day. You're a bunch of cowards who are afraid of people who are different. Being a lesbian doesn't make her any less of a person. It doesn't make me less of a person. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Every person in this corridor just wants to be accepted, you all have things that you're ashamed or embarrassed to admit. Things that make you different. But different is good. Different is exciting and interesting and it should be normal. I know that people don't change overnight, believe me Quinn's learning that every day. But she's making an effort to be a better person and the least you could do is try and do the same. Next time you call someone a fag, imagine how you would feel if it was you. And if you still go ahead and say it, rest assured I will come and kick your ass because that is not acceptable behaviour and Quinn is under my protection now.'

Finn stood up next to me.

'Yeah, what she said.'

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