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It was the first day of my second week at McKinley. I had had a pretty uneventful morning and was walking to lunch with Kurt, Finn, Rachel and another girl from Glee called Tina. As we walked along the corridor, a voice called out. 'Santana.'. A deep, breathy, remarkably sexy voice. I turned around slowly.

'Y...you know my name?'

Dammit San, she's just a girl. I'm cringing right now thinking about this. Ugh, right, focus.


'We'll leave you two to it.'

The other walked away and left me trembling in front of a rather menacing looking Quinn, backed up by her usual crew of cheerios.


'Come and sit with us at lunch.'


'Come and sit at our table.'

I was being offered a seat at the popular table, a chance to finally fit in, and best of all an excuse to spend more time staring at Quinn. After all, that's all her wannabe-Quinn cheerios seemed to do anyway. I never would've taken that offer usually. I would have hated being popular. I had found real friends in Kurt and Finn. I knew that sort of friendship was not what Quinn had in mind. I had seen her insult her own 'friends' frequently, and she still wore the same hard stare when she was with them. But, nevertheless, I took the offer and as she strode down the hall I trailed behind her, speechless.

'So, Tana, I can call you that right? I mean we're basically friends now.'

'Well, nobody calls me that but-'

'Tana, you're new to this school. Right?'


'And you've joined Glee club. Right?'


'Well, you have a lot of potential. You are beautiful and have a stunning figure, everything you need to be popular.'

Gees, forward much. However, at the time I couldn't stop thinking about her words. She thought I was beautiful?

'You've been led astray, Tana. You don't want to be in Glee club. It's for losers.'

'Well actually it's kinda fu-'

'But now I'm here. I'm going to set you on the right path. Give you all the tools you need to be popular at McKinley. Starting with the cheerios. Tryouts are on Thursday. Be there.'

'I don't really wanna go, I mean cheerleading isn't really my thi-'

'Good. I'll see you there, Tana. Oh, and no more Glee club. They are dead to you now.'

She turned to glare at the girl next to her who abruptly stopped flicking pieces of pasta across the table.

Taking up cheerleading, letting other people decide what I do, It just wasn't me. And yet I just couldn't help but want it all. I'd been an outcast my whole life and I was finally being accepted. 

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