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I watched Quinn sit up and rub her eyes. She's so adorable first thing in the morning! She looked around, taking in the room until her eyes landed on me. I watched her fit together the puzzle pieces.

'What happened last night?'

'Well, you er... you cried a lot and kept throwing up. You were very drunk and begged me to escape the party through the back door so no one would see you. Then I brought you here. I didn't know where you lived so I just...'

'Did I say anything...?'

'You didn't make much sense and when you did it didn't mean much. You mostly groaned. You didn't admit to anything embarrassing if that's what you mean?'

She sighed with relief. What had she been worried about revealing?

'My mom's made breakfast. Get dressed and come downstairs. I promise she knows exactly how to cure a hangover.'

She groaned and rolled over.

A little while later we were sat round the table. My mum made polite conversation and Quinn was friendly enough, but neither of us had much to say. She had to rush off to work, leaving me and Quinn alone.

'Hey, why don't I drive you home?'

'Oh no it's fine don't worry, I can walk.'

'No seriously, I'll drive. I wanna know where miss Quinn Fabray resides.'

'You don't, trust me. It's nothing exciting.'

'Please? As a thank you for looking after you last night? Pretty please with sugar on top?'

'Fine! But you're not staying, just dropping off. And you don't tell anyone about last night.'

'Why not?'

'I have an image to maintain and I can't have you ruining that.'

'You got it, Fabray.'

Quinn was quiet on the way over. As we pulled up to her house, I couldn't help but notice that all the lights were off.

'Nobody home?'

'No well my mom's out so it'll just be me.'

'Oh, ok. Can I come in?'

'No, I said just dropping off. You can go home now.'

'Please? I...'


Quinn's house was beautiful inside, but it didn't feel homely. It felt empty, like when an estate agent shows you round a house and you can tell nobody lives in it. It was just too perfect. In many ways it was like Quinn. I wondered what Quinn's mom was like. Where she was, who she was with. Why the house felt so void of love and affection and all the things that make a home. I thought I was going to see behind the scenes of Quinn Fabray but what I saw was just another act.

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