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I walked along the corridor, barely listening to the conversation going on beside me. The cheerios uniform was too tight and my high ponytail was making my head hurt. Oh, the things we do to fit in. I wasn't interested in cheerleading or looking perfect or any of that stuff, but if it meant being off Quinn's hit list then I would grin and bear it. Yes I was intrigued by her, and I was sure she wasn't as cold and hard as people made out, but she could be pretty mean when she wanted to be, and usually she wanted to be. I missed my real friends, hanging out with Finn, Kurt, and even Rachel Berry! Just a little bit. I missed having real conversations and not having to force a laugh at something not even remotely amusing.

I was slightly confused as to why she picked me to be in her crew. Usually she despised people from Glee club, and her friendship group was entirely made up of cheerios. She'd even slushied me! But for some reason, she was adamant that I was going to be one of her girls.

Later that day, I had been walking down the corridor when I heard music. The unmistakable sound of a Glee club jam session. They were singing one of my favourite songs. I stopped outside the door, taking a minute to watch my friends. They all looked like they were having so much fun, laughing, smiling, singing... I almost walked in and join them. I mean would Quinn even notice?

Suddenly a hand on my shoulder made me jump.

'You weren't thinking of going in, were you?'

'N...No I...I wasn't I was just...'

'Good. Remember Tana, you don't want to be associated with these guys anymore. You're with me now, what more could you possibly want.'

I shivered as her eyes met mine. I stared into them and saw a look of pain, identical to the one I'd seen when she slushied me, flash within them. What was she hiding? How much was she hurting? I had so many questions.

'Tell you what, I know the best way to officially make you one of the popular kids. I want you to slushie one of the members of that club. Any one, you pick. You'll be respected forever at this school.'

'But they're my friends.'

'Well it's either us or them. Who are you going to choose?'

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