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Quinn stared at her feet, avoiding eye contact. We had been sat in the most awkward silence known to man for what felt like two hours, but was more like twenty minutes.

'We should probably talk about what happened.'

'I'm so sorry Tana, I don't know what came over me.'

'Don't apologize. That was the best kiss I've ever had. There's something I have to tell you, Q.'

'It's ok. I know what you're going to say.'

'You do?'

'You're a lesbian. Remember that day in the corridor. Your first slushie?'

'How could I forget?'

'Yeah, again, sorry about that! Well I heard what you were saying to Finn about hiding your 'lesbianism' or whatever. Honestly, I just thought you two were total dorks, but then I realised that you don't just like girls, you like me. Am I right?'

'Well...yeah, actually. The first time I ever saw you I asked Finn if you were straight.'

'And what did he say?'

'That you probably were. Are you?'

'I guess stuff like this got pushed away with all the other feelings I didn't want. I wouldn't even let myself think about it, probably because I knew the answer.'

'Which is...'

'I could have my pick of any guy in the school but I didn't want any of them. I thought that I'd never fall in love, that I wasn't capable of those sorts of feelings. And then I met you and I started to question everything I knew. The first time I saw you, my walls came tumbling down and I didn't know why. I felt more comfortable around you than I did around anyone, and yet I got butterflies every time we were together. I didn't know what these feelings meant but I couldn't stop thinking about how proud you had sounded to be a lesbian.'

'I am. I mean, have you seen girls?!'

'I never knew love until I met you, Santana Diabla Lopez, and I have never felt better than I do with you. You are the first person to actually care about me, and you've changed my life in more ways than you even know.'

'Alright, alright. Save this for the wedding.'

'I'm trying to make a serious speech.'

'Yeah, sorry. So, you're asking me out? Because if we're doing serious speeches, I would say everything you just said back to you. From the moment we met I was falling for you. Your eyes, your hair, your smell...'

I pulled my favourite ring off my finger and put it on Quinn's.

'I never knew love until I met you, Quinn...Wait I don't know your middle name!'

She whispered in my ear, 'Lucy!'

'I never knew love until I met you, Quinn Lucy Fabray, and I have never felt better than I do with you. You may now kiss the bride.'

We both collapsed in fits of giggles.

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