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So, my first day was pretty cool. I was even looking forward to my second day as I walked into school that morning. I met Finn as I was going in.

'Hey, San! Ready for your second day?'

'I am actually, yeah.'

'Cool! You haven't had any trouble from anyone yet?'

'Nope, why?'

'Oh, you know, just checking. Now you're a part of Glee you're kind of a target so I'd just lay low for a while.'

'I, Santana Diabla Lopez, swear not to shout at the top of my lungs about my lesbianism in the corridors or classrooms of McKinley High'

'Shh San, what are you doing?'

'And I will not make a fool or a spectacle of myself for the time being in order to avoid trouble because I have joined the Glee club'


'Finally, I hereby swear not to go anywhere near the Queen of McKinley High, miss Quinn Fabray.'

'Uh oh, Santana.'


I turned round and saw that flawless face staring back at me. I got lost in those emerald eyes. For a split second I could see so much pain, so much sorrow. But only for a second, and then they glazed over and she regained her cold, hard stare. That was about all I saw before a sea of blue slush came towards me and I shut my eyes, jumping as the cold drink hit my skin.

Before I knew what was happening, Kurt had led me into the empty girl's bathroom to clean me off.

'So, second day and you've already had a slushie to the face. Queen Quinn must love you!'

'It's so cold.'

'Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Once you've had about four or five you don't really notice.'

'You've had that five times?'

'Oh, way more. It's sort of a McKinley specialty reserved for Glee club members.'

'Thanks for helping, Kurt.'

'No problem.'

'Hey, is it always Quinn who throws them?'

'Mostly. If not, the person who does is under her instructions.'

'Oh. What you said about her loving me...'

'That was sarcastic. I do apologize, it's a habit of mine. Quinn doesn't usually target someone like that so quickly you...wait...oh, I get it. You fancy Quinn Fabray!'


'Well don't get your hopes up sweetheart, she's as cold as ice. I'd be surprised if she has the capacity to love anyone, let alone girls.'

'But I don't think she's as cold as she makes out. I looked into her eyes and she looked vulnerable and in so much pain. Like she might burst into tears.'

'Not Quinn Fabray, you're fantasizing. Look, I can't control who you fancy and I know you can't either, but please be careful, ok?'


Everyone kept talking about Quinn as if she was some superhuman robot thing with no emotions or heart. But I saw past that Quinn. She did have a heart, she'd just built walls around it.

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