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And that is the story of one Miss Quinn Lucy Fabray. I swore I'd tell it and here I am. I wanted to share it because the women in this story is the bravest and strongest girl I know and I hope her story inspires some of you to be true to yourself. And remember, even the most cruel of people have a heart in there somewhere. You just have to look for it.

*Quinn walks into the room.*

'Hey darling! What are you up to in here?'

'Oh, nothing.'

'Very suspicious. Well, the kids are in bed and I've just opened a bottle of wine so what do you say, film night?'


'What else!'

'You better promise not to talk over the best lines.'

'You're turning into your mom!'

'Rent sounds excellent. I'll be through in a moment.'

*They kiss.*

Thanks for listening to her story.

*Santana shuts the book she has been reading from and leaves the room, turning off the light.*

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