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Stick with me here, this is mostly introductory stuff and not really about Quinn but we'll get there. Ok, so where were we? Oh yeah that's right, my first glee club meeting. That was pretty fun!

Finn introduced me to Kurt Hummel, as promised, who was concerningly enthusiastic about my sexuality.

'Oh my gosh, you're gay? And you're out? This is so exciting!'

I sat down on the chair next to him.

'So you're really the only out kid at this school? That must be tough.'

'Yeah. I'm proud of who I am but sometimes it gets tiring being so different. Some days I wish I could just fit in, you know?

'I feel that, Kurt Hummel.'

'Glee's awesome though. Everyone in this room is different and so we understand each other. We're kinda more like family and this room is our home. Our safe space where we can express ourselves and be fabulous!'

A short girl with brown hair came and sat next to me and Kurt. I hadn't spoken to her but I'd noticed her sitting next to Finn in math.

'Hi, you must be Santana. Finn was telling me about you. It's so nice to have a new member in Glee club. My name's Rachel Berry and I'm basically the unofficial leader of the group, because I'm the most talented.

'Nice to meet you, Rachel.'

'Well, you've already met Kurt, why don't I introduce you to everyone else.'

Rachel started calling out names before I had a chance to respond.

'Over there, that's Mercedes. Her voice isn't too bad I suppose. And then there's Tina and Mike, definitely the most wholesome couple in Glee. Brittany is over there. She's... how do I put this... not the smartest. Puck, Sam and Blaine are over there. They're all pretty cool. And then there's my boyfriend Finn, who I believe you've met.'

I looked around the room, realising just what a mix of people there were. A cheerleader, a couple of popular guys, some shy kids that didn't speak much. I had never seen this selection of people choosing to spend time together before and I loved it. I had already decided the choir room was my new home.

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