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Quinn was sat at her normal table at lunch, surrounded by cheerios. Clearly news of her attendance at Glee club that morning hadn't got back to anyone. I went over and grabbed her bag.

'What are you doing?' She groaned.

'We're going.' I replied, surprising myself with my own confidence.


'To a better table. I guarantee you more fun, laughter and gossip than you've ever had at that one.'


I leant over and whispered in her ear,

'Stage 2'.

We walked across the canteen. I lead Quinn by the hand.

'Hey Finn, Rach, Kurt. Do you guys mind if we sit with you?' I asked.

Kurt looked at me and then at Quinn. He looked shocked. 'N-n-no, of course not.'

I smiled. 'Thanks! Loving the jacket Kurt, is it new?'

'Thank goodness somebody has fashion sense. I got this last week. Finn thinks it's a bit extra for school.' Kurt replied.

'Well it is!' Finn teased.

'It's a good colour. Suits you.' Quinn said quietly. There was a moment of silence as everyone wondered how to respond.


'I'm gonna go get a drink. See you in a minute.' Quinn walked away from the table.

Kurt turned to me, an anxious look on his face. 'So what's up with her? Stroke? Early onset dementia?'

'A change of heart.' I replied.

'Sounds painful.'

'Seriously. Quinn has had a difficult life, and I'm not saying she has an excuse for the way she's behaved but she has started to open up to me. She's telling me stuff she's never told anyone before. Because of that, I've decided to give her the opportunity to change her ways. Like Scrooge and the ghost of Christmas past. Just give her a chance. Please?'

'Well ok then. But if this backfires on us, we'll never trust you again.' I wondered if he was joking but he looked deadly serious.

'That's a compromise I'm willing to make.'

Finn joined in the conversation. 'So, has know...?'

'What?' I asked.

'Have you kissed yet?'

'What?! No! I mean I wish but...' The question took me by surprise.

'Oh sorry. I just figured that since her heart was melting, you were the one to melt it.'

'I don't even know if she likes me in that way.'

We stopped talking as Quinn made her way back over to the table. Kurt swallowed.

'Hey guys!'

Kurt engaged her in conversation. 'Hey Quinn. You know, I've noticed you always wear that colour eyeshadow.'

'I like it.'

'Well, you should totally check this palette out. There's this colour that would match your eyes so well. I'll find a picture.'

Finn turned to me while Kurt continued to chat away to Quinn.

'You're doing a good thing San.'


'While I don't fully trust Quinn yet, I do believe what you've done with her thus far is respectable. I've never seen Quinn like that before.' Rachel weighed in.

'I agree. She seems comfortable. She seems happier.' Finn agreed.

'That's the idea.'

'I missed you San.'

'I missed you too. I think I got lost for a while, but I'm back now. I promise. And I'm never leaving again. I've been popular and I've decided I much prefer having real friends. I knew it was serious when I started to miss Berry.'

Finn laughed and I started to giggle. Rachel looked confused.

'What's that supposed to mean? Santana? Finn? Will someone tell me why you're both laughing?'

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