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I walked around for the rest of the week with my head down, fearful of where my next slushie would come from. Somehow seeing the pain in Quinn's eyes made me more scared of her than if she had been a robot. She clearly was capable of anger, real anger, and for some reason she had targeted me to bear the weight of that. I wasn't exactly sure what I'd done, apart from join the Glee club. I guess she saw me talking to some of the club's members in classes and worked that part out. She certainly didn't know I was gay, or so I thought, until I remembered that I'd been making that stupid oath to Finn as I walked down the corridor, right before I turned around and bumped into her. Uh oh. I hoped that she hadn't heard but I think I knew deep down that she probably had.

I made it through my first week without too much more bother. I wasn't really sure what to make of the situation. Finn had said that Quinn was just showing her dominance, putting me in my place so I knew who was in charge. But I couldn't stop thinking about the look in her eyes. It didn't seem like anyone else had ever seen it, but she showed it to me. Was it a cry for help? Or could she not help her walls coming down so suddenly? Either way, I was convinced I had seen into Quinn Fabray's soul, and it was a dark, dark place. You know how the saying goes, once you've looked, there's no going back. Or something like that.

Can I just say, I'm loving reliving these memories! And it's so weird to think about how I felt that first week. I remember it like it was yesterday, and yet so much has changed since then. But we'll get onto that. Thanks for sticking with me so far, you have been a brilliant audience. Mainly because I can't see or hear you. But yeah, get ready for a bit of a twist in the tale.

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