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Quinn completely blanked me for the rest of school, and seemingly made an effort to stay out of my way for the next few days. I couldn't stop thinking about what I'd seen. What did it mean and why had she reacted that way? I was so worried about her. On Friday, to my surprise, she cornered me on my way out of class. She grunted a sort-of-apology to me, a first for Quinn I expected, and I apologized too. I truly felt bad for asking about things that were clearly private.

About a week later, I think anyway, me and Quinn were once again sat on my bedroom floor. Books were spread around the room and Max lay by Quinn's leg. I had been surprised when Quinn came up to me in school and asked if she could come over. She had said that since both of us would be the only ones in our houses we may as well be lonely together. Totally sounded like a pick-up line but somehow I don't think she saw it that way. We had come home and had a snack, and now we were doing our math homework together.

'Miss Anderson is so annoying.'

'I know, right? She gives us so much homework!'

'Hey, you ok there?'

'Ugh, I hate factorising. I just can't get my head round it.'

'It's easy. Here, let me show you.'

As she leant over I took a deep breath in, savouring her scent. She was beautiful, so beautiful.

'All you have to do is look at the highest common factor and put it in the brackets, like that.'

'Oh, like this?'


'How about this?'

'You really are useless at math, aren't you?'

We both laughed, but I noticed something in Quinn change. Just a minute before she had been carefree and happy, but it was like a weight had been put on her shoulders. Her face turned serious and she squeezed her eyes shut.

'Quinn, are you ok?'

She didn't answer.

'Quinn, what's wrong?'

Nothing. Her arms were grasped round her legs, which were pulled in so her knees rested under her chin. She started to rock backwards and forwards.


'Quinn it's me, it's me Santana. I'm here. You're ok.'

'Daddy! Daddy stop! Stop!'

She was almost screaming now, tears running down her face. It was like she was trapped in another place, another time.

'Help me please! Someone help! Daddy help me!'

I didn't know what to do so I thrust my arms round her, rocking with her and whispering in her ear.

'Come back to me Quinn. Come back to me. It's Tana, remember? Tana. I'm here. You're safe. I'm right here.'

She opened her eyes wide, staring directly into mine, and then collapsed into me exhausted.

We just sat there for a while, Quinn with her head on my chest and me with my arms round her. It felt so right. I wondered if she felt that too. I wondered if she was even thinking about that.

'I think it's time you talk to me Quinn.'

'I'm fine. I'm sorry I freaked out I just...'

'Something's wrong Quinn. You're not ok. You're not happy. But if you talk about it I can help you. I've shown you that you can trust me. I'm here, I'm not going anywhere. So, Fabray, it's time to talk.'

'Yeah, ok, you're probably right. It's just that my life hasn't exactly been the easiest.'


'Where do I even start...'

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