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A few days later I found Quinn sitting by herself in the gym hall after an intense cheerios practise. She didn't look so much like a God, more like a human. She looked lonely. I went over and sat beside her. Immediately I saw her walls go up.

'Hey Tana, can't you see I'm busy? Can you not just leave me alone for once. I know you're desperate for attention but...'

'Actually I'm not. I'm miserable and I think you are too.'

'What do you mean?'

'I hate all this stuff. I hate the cheerios and being popular. So many guys have asked me out in the last week they've formed a cult. The 'I got rejected by Santana Lopez' group. No seriously it's true.'

'But if you hate it why do you do it?'

'To fit in. To be accepted. I've always been an outcast, and for once in my life I have some authority over my classmates. Power just feels so good! But I could ask you the same question, because I know that you hate it too. The whole HBIC act protects you but underneath it all you're not happy.'

'Of course I am. I basically run the school. How could I not be happy?'

'I saw it in your eyes Quinn. So much pain. You're hurting and nobody else seems to see it but I do. The other day when you went to the bathroom in Math, I followed you. I heard you crying and throwing up. You sounded so upset. I just wanna help you Quinn, I really do.'

'I don't know what you're talking about.'

She stood up and left without another word. She was going to be tough to crack but I was glad I'd said something. I was right and she knew it. She just needed time to accept it herself. Believe me, I know the feeling, I wasn't just born out and proud.

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