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I walked through the door of the house, officially entering my very first McKinley party. I had never really been a party person before but seeing as I was now popular, I thought I'd give the lifestyle a go. I looked around. On one side of the room there were a group of people dancing to the music that was blaring through the speakers. One couple, I swear to you, managed to keep their lips attached for the whole song, swaying and turning in sync. Ew! On the other side of the room a group of guys played some sort of betting game with a pack of cards. And right in the middle was miss Quinn Fabray. She was surrounded by a gaggle of girls, watching her in awe. She must have been saying something funny because they all laughed hysterically.

In all of this I wasn't really sure where to go or what to do. I spent some time dancing with the couples but that just made me feel lonely. I played a couple of rounds of strip poker with the guys, who very much enjoyed my semi-naked body. They had no idea I wasn't interested in theirs! But I just didn't fit in anywhere. I went outside to get some fresh air, realising I hadn't seen Quinn since the start of the party. I walked back through the house, pushing each door open. Eventually I found her in one of the upstairs rooms. She was alone and curled up in a ball on the floor, surrounded by empty beer cans. She must've been really drunk. She looked a mess. She was crying hysterically and retching. I went straight to her and put my arms round her, picking her up off the floor and practically carrying her to the nearest bathroom. I held her blonde hair in my hands as she sat bent over the toilet, throwing up violently. Tears ran down her face and she kept groaning. I could smell the alcohol on her breath as she exhaled heavily beside me. Eventually she stopped throwing up and turned around. She threw her arms around me and I gasped. It was perfect, she was perfect. I knew she wouldn't remember any of this, but I certainly would. For a long time.

I couldn't leave her at the party in the state she was in. I wasn't sure what to do and she wasn't exactly giving me much help. I had no idea where she lived and when I asked her she refused to say. So I put her in the back of my car and drove her home. Home to my house.

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