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Quinn, Finn and Rachel had their eyes closed. I was in front, leading them to our mystery destination. Somehow I'd managed to hijack our double date and I had the perfect destination.

'Where are you taking us, Tana?' Quinn asked.

'We could be in mortal danger right now.' Finn commented.

'Quit complaining already, we're almost there. No peeking.'

'How long? My feet hurt.' Rachel complained.

'One, two, three. Ok, you can open your eyes now.'

They opened their eyes. Rachel and Finn looked confused, but Quinn shrieked in delight and ran over to hug me when she saw where we were.

'What's up with them? And why're we at a lake?' Rachel asked, confused.

'Who knows, they're absolute weirdos, both of them.' Finn answered.

'We're going swimming.' I announced.

'Swimming?' Asked Finn.

'Yeah. And the best part is we're gonna come back up after.'

Quinn smiled at me. She knew what I meant.

'You know, I don't think I've ever been here before.'

'We call it Romeo and Juliet's lake.'

Quinn grabbed my hand.

'So, what do you think?' I asked.

'It's beautiful.' Rachel smiled.

'Yeah, totally. Hey San, you wanna go swimming, right?' Finn asked.


'Well no time like the present.'

Finn gave me a shove so I lost my balance and fell into the lake. I came up for air and couldn't stop laughing. The others were laughing too. I heard Quinn shriek and there was a splash as she joined me in the water. She splashed towards me and wrapped her arms around me. We laughed as Rachel crept up behind Finn and pushed him in, jumping in after him. The four of us linked arms in a circle, treading water with our feet to keep us afloat.

We splashed about in the lake for hours, only getting out to demolish the picnic I'd made us. It was like we were in our own bubble, tucked away from the world around us. Nothing out there could touch us, all we had was each other. As the sun started to set, we climbed out of the lake, shivering.

'Hey, I've got an idea. Why don't we carve our names into this tree.' Finn said.

'Ooh, super romantic, no?'

Finn found a sharp stick on the floor and started carving a love heart into the side of the trunk. The inside of the heart read 'Finn + Rachel'. He passed the stick to Quinn who carved a similar looking love heart, and inside wrote 'Quinn + Santana Forever'.


She grabbed my hand.


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